Welcome to the Third Quarterly Issue of ELT Choutari, 16 (111)

Dear Esteemed Readers and Contributors,


We are delighted to announce the release of the third quarterly edition of ELT Choutari (July-September 2024), dedicated as a special issue focusing on “English Medium Instruction (EMI) Policies and Practices in Nepal.”

EMI policy represents a significant area of study in applied linguistics, both domestically and internationally. Its implementation spans beyond private and urban schools to include community schools in rural areas, sparking diverse perspectives on its creation and application. Many scholars are actively researching various aspects of EMI policy and practices in Nepal, prompting us to dedicate this special issue to exploring these themes.

This edition features an exclusive interview with four distinguished scholars—Associate Professor Dr. Bal Krishna Sharma, Professor Dr. Bal Mukunda Bhandari, Professor Dr. Tara Datta Bhatta, and Professor Dr. Binod Luitel—who discuss the multifaceted dimensions of EMI as a research topic, current research trends, and future directions for novice scholars in this field.

Additionally, the issue includes four scholarly papers by devoted researchers:

Deviram Acharya examines how the proliferation of EMI schools exacerbates inequality in learning access, quality, and educational relevance, often as a shield against criticism rather than a response to parental aspirations.

Nirmala Dhami explores issues students face, including cultural marginalization, inadequate language skills, and insufficient instructional resources. EMI tends to favour wealthier urban students, widening the rural-urban educational gap and jeopardizing linguistic diversity and cultural identities.

Dinesh Panthee critically reflects on how community schools, driven by parental and student demand for English learning, face constitutional challenges regarding fee imposition, thus compromising educational rights.

Dr. Tekmani Karki provides insights into the impacts of EMI in rural settings, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of its implementation in rural education systems, drawing from reflections on his PhD journey.

For your convenience, here are the hyperlinks to the articles:

  1. Scholars’ Perspectives and Reflections on English Medium Instruction (EMI) Research in Nepal by Associate Professor Dr. Bal Krishna Sharma, Professor Dr. Bal Mukunda Bhandari, Professor Dr. Tara Datta Bhatta, and Professor Dr. Binod Luitel
  2. EMI as Panacea of Education Reform by Deviram Acharya
  3. Social Justice and Equity Issues in EMI policy and pedagogy by Nirmala Dhami
  4. Implementation of English as a Medium Instruction at Local Level by Dinesh Panthee
  5. Implementation of English Medium Instruction (EMI) Policy: Observation and Reflection by Dr. Tekmani Karki

Lastly, we extend heartfelt gratitude to our co-editor, Karuna Nepal, and all our editors and reviewers—Jeevan Karki, Ganesh Kumar Bastola, Mohan Singh Saud, Dr. Jnanu Raj Poudel, Sagar Poudel, Binod Duwadi, Puskar Chaudhary, Yadu Gnawali, and Dasharath Rai—for their dedicated efforts in bringing this issue to completion.

ELT Choutari is a platform for researchers, scholars, educators, and practitioners to share insights, practices, and narratives from classrooms and communities. We invite you to contribute to our upcoming anniversary issue (October-December 2024) by submitting your articles and blogs to 2elt.choutari@gmail.com.

If you find value in the interviews, articles, and reflective pieces, please share them within your circles and feel free to leave your comments below each piece.

Happy Reading! Thank you.

Nani Babu Ghimire, Lead Editor of the Issue

Karuna Nepal, Co-Editor of the Issue


EMI as Panacea of Education Reform

Deviram Acharya


About two years ago, I visited a school located in eastern Terai. I reached the school at 10:15 am, and the students were engaged in the morning prayer. Two different groups of students were praying in two different places. I asked the reason for it. I was shocked when I heard the answer. The students who study in the English Medium (EM) pray in a different place from the students who study in the Nepali Medium (NM). Interestingly, EM students were asked questions about general knowledge during prayer time, but not for the Nepali. I visited the school for different purposes, so I focused on my purpose and collected some information. There were two different buildings, different gates, different teachers, different playgrounds, and different textbooks in the school for Nepali and EM students. I had limited time to discuss the issue of the medium of instruction (MOI). After this observation, I raised and wrote the issues regularly about how the public schools create social class and deprive the underprivileged group who cannot pay fees for English medium. Such practice by public schools limits equitable access to quality education and social justice.

During my professional journey, I have found many schools across the country practising somehow similar cases as mentioned above. I have talked to the teacher and headteacher regarding the different practices adopted by the school focusing on English medium.

English Medium Instruction (EMI) Taken as a Quality Indicator

It is impossible to make a common and single definition of quality education. However, the EM has been established as the quality indicator. This is established by the government, the private sector and some other global contexts. Without the infrastructure and readiness, many local governments direct the schools to implement English medium. Similarly, community schools observed private schools and copied the private components of education in public schools. Nowadays, many public schools are converting to private schools by using private school components in school like entrance examinations, English medium, textbooks published by private publishers, and collecting fees from parents and teachers by school for English medium. Those characteristics of the education adopted by community schools are making low-cost private schools or private schools under the government roof.

As I have collected information from more than 15 teachers, the fee varies from 100 to 1200 per month and varies at different grades. We and many other so-called educators (this is for me) are in dilemma that EM is not the quality indicator but why we promote or why we accept the low-cost private education in private schools.

The community schools that use the EM have their arguments, and many of them say it is a result of parental aspirations. The true point is not only the parents’ aspirations but they don’t want to offer education to low-income or disadvantaged groups of people. One of the teachers shared the history in this way:

‘About five years ago, we discussed in school and concluded we have the students from low socio-economic status. If we perform better, we need students of high socio-economic status. For that, we move to an and make the school private for the parents. Then, about 70 percent of students  enrolled in private schools.’

Over a long time, the weak performance of community schools has led to private school opening trends. Over the decades, the number of students enrolled in private schools has steadily increased. According to the data, about 30 per cent of students study in private schools in 2023 (Center for Education and Human Resource Development, 2024). The school that started English medium shared this is the parents’ interest, but the layman’s parents cannot differentiate the quality. They listen to English as a quality, so they are interested. Community schools provide the EMas with a quality indicator, and they understand it. We do not have such strong research and data to claim it, but it shows the quality from the parents’ socio-economic status and private school components, even the private teacher. A teacher’s and headteacher’s opinions presented below claim that EMis quality indicators.

Teacher: We don’t know justice, equity, and many other things; our school offers English and NM education. We did it to fulfil the parents’ interest. We are committed to quality education. If the parents can pay the money, their child will be in EM, and those who cannot do so can go to NM. Students in EM are selected from highly competitive entrance examinations. We faced the pressure at the time of enrollment, but we can’t consider it. We have received many awards for better performance in the grades 10 and 12 examinations.

Headteacher: Our school did very well in the present day when our school started EMI and the number of students increased day by day. Most of the students enrolled in our school are from private schools. We are creating a challenge for private schools using the English medium. We select the students from the entrance. There is no place for weak students. Parents need to spend time with their children. They need to come regularly to school, and we have a weekly and monthly examination system. Sometimes weak students should attend the additional tuition class.

Equitable Access and Justice

Many community school teachers believe that children from poor, marginalized and disadvantaged families are not ready to learn, and because of the lack of awareness of the parents, they are not able to perform better. The different stakeholders strongly advocate the message, but they forget the right of the children to access quality education. Many of the education stakeholders like headteachers, teachers, management committees even the policymakers, do not seem to pay attention to social justice issues and equitable access to education. EMI creates class differences within the school and society. To gain parental attraction, the community schools used the strategy of EM, and they created a social class (Study in EM and Study in NM ) in the school.

During the development of this manuscript, I collected data from different parts of the country, from Ilam to Dadeldhura. Most of the schools offer EM to attract private school students, and they collect the fees. Then, the parents become happy because they get the opportunity to provide private education in community schools, paying a small fee. Few schools offer EM without any additional cost, but they select the students from the entrance examination. Deprivation is found in many ways within the school. The role of schools in promoting social justice becomes adverse. The deprivation is highly established by the entrance examination for enrollment and the collection of tuition fees to offer EM education. To show better results, selecting the best students to take the entrance exam is very popular in EM schools (Ranabhat et al., 2018). It creates a social hierarchy and leads to inequality and deprivation.

Two schools in a single compound offer two types of education and develop the child in a discriminatory environment. Many schools practise different buildings, playgrounds, drinking water, laboratory, library, etc. The schools in West Terai bring students who study in English by school bus, and students who study in NM come to school on foot. As mentioned by Sah (2023), the EMI creates unequal education space in the school and social positioning in the classroom. The students in the same school do not play in the same group from different mediums.

Discrimination in terms of opportunity is not only the problem, but the psychological feelings of the parents and students are also important. The school and society recognize that EM is quality education, and the feelings of the students within the school are important. The students who study in EM feel like the upper class, and those who study in NM feel like the lower class. The students who are enrolled in EMare ‘entering the new middle class identity (Sah, 2023).

Promoting the English Medium

Local Palikas and politicians have been promoting EMI without providing additional resources, capacity assessment and the school readiness palikas direct to school to implement EM. It is surprising to mention, what is the factor and how the policymakers or politicians (local Palika representatives) are motivated by it. Schools are happy with the EM because it allows them to collect the fees. One school teacher who teaches in EM in the community school appointed by the school as a private source shared, ‘The government permanent teachers are taking rest, because schools started EM and there are no students in NM (Personal communication on June 26, 2024). Some local Palikas have declared that all community schools should use EMI, which is not possible in all the schools and is not a good idea.

The school headteacher argued that the government does not provide sufficient funds and that we need to collect them from parents. The reality is different. Offering the EM requires extra money. They need to manage different teachers and EM coordinators. The different levels of government don’t tend to pay attention to this issue, which is against equal access to education. The trend of using EMI increased steadily throughout the country. The government policy has not differentiated in the evaluation process and practice. School using EM shows better performance, competing with private schools components. Then, these schools have been rewarded making their identity as better schools. Thus, the other community schools learned directly that EM is a key education reform strategy. I think the EM has become the panacea of education reform. But in reality, it is promoting social injustice, thereby leading to a disempowering gap between haves and have-nots.

Public education has certainly served the poor and disadvantaged groups of people without any discrimination. In the name of quality education and showing the parents’ interest, the public schools are converting into private in disguise. To make society cohesive and inclusive, public schools have to welcome all students, and they tend to focus on students who need support. Local Palikas and the government policy and mechanism should be developed to address the issues and focus on the disadvantaged groups.


A growing number of schools offering EMI creates inequality and inequitable learning access, quality, and educational relevancy. Schools refer to the parental aspiration but it is a strategy to defend them from criticism. Schools do not have any other strategies to improve classroom teaching and learning. They apply private school components like selection in enrollment, collecting the fees, manage the private teachers in most of cases. I wonder if their existing teacher and resources cannot afford EM, why they established the strategy within the same community schools. Schools located in urban areas apply these strategies and the schools in rural learn them. The local governments are not able to focus on holistic reform and they also promote it. The serious matter is that schools and teachers are not ready to accept the criticism and they argue that they do fair but neglect the disadvantaged groups of people and children.


Center for Education and Human Resource Development. (2024). Flash Report I 2023. Sanothimi.

Ranabhat, M. B., Chiluwal, S. B., & Thompson, R. (2018). The spread of English as a MOI  in Nepal’s community schools. In D. Hayes (Ed.), English language teaching in Nepal: research, reflection and practice (pp. 81-106). British Council.

Sah, P.K. (2023). Emotion and imagination in English-medium instruction programs: Illuminating its dark side through Nepali students’ narratives. Linguistics and Education, 75, XX. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.linged.2023.10115

Author Bio: Mr. Devi Ram Acharya is a research scholar studying at Kathmandu University, School of Education. He has more than 15 years of working experience in education particularly student learning assessment at the national and classroom level. Currently, he is researching classroom assessment practices in Nepali school education. His area of interest is student learning, assessment, education quality, school reform, and transformation.

Social Justice and Equity Issues in EMI policy and pedagogy

Nirmala Dhami


The Medium of Instruction (MOI) in schools affects students’ learning outcomes, comprehension, and overall educational experience. When students are fluent in the MOI, it enhances academic achievement and preserves linguistic and cultural heritage. Conversely, using a global language like English can prepare students for international commerce and communication. However, choosing a specific MOI can affect educational equity, especially for underprivileged students who may lack exposure to the language. Challenges include difficulties with complex concepts due to limited proficiency, inadequate teaching materials, extensive training needs for effective EMI (English as a medium of instruction), increased anxiety and stress, lack of community and parental support, and cultural disconnects. Given its impact on learning, cultural preservation, and socioeconomic mobility, MOI is crucial. Although Nepal’s constitution allows schools to teach in the learners’ mother tongues up to the secondary level, the shift towards EMI is accelerating. Against this backdrop, this paper explores the social injustice and equity issues stemming from the EMI policy in government-aided schools.

EMI and Social Justice

The EMI policy requires that academic courses be taught in schools primarily in English. This strategy seeks to increase educational quality and better equip students for global possibilities by raising their English proficiency. Nepal is a linguistically and culturally diverse country. Major adjustments to curriculum, teacher preparation, and instructional strategies are required for the transition to EMI. “Universities have encouraged and maintained structural inequality by using foreign languages as a medium of instruction with the goal of internationalization, globalization, and improved employment opportunities” (Alhamami, 2023, p.1).  It means universities often adopt foreign languages, such as English, as the medium of instruction to align with goals of internationalization, globalization, and enhancing employment opportunities. While these objectives are beneficial in many ways, this practice can also perpetuate structural inequality. One significant aspect is access to education. Students from poorer backgrounds might not have the resources to learn a foreign language proficiently, creating a barrier to accessing higher education (Macaro et al., 2018). Even when students from less privileged backgrounds gain admission, their lower proficiency in the MOI can impede their academic performance and engagement.

Another issue is cultural marginalization. Emphasizing foreign languages can lead to the devaluation and neglect of local languages and cultures, causing a cultural shift and loss of heritage (Phyak, 2021). Students might feel alienated from their own culture and history if the curriculum and classroom interactions are dominated by a foreign language and associated cultural norms. Adopting EMI policies could worsen inequality in education and marginalize regional languages and cultures, which can result in social injustice. Students from underprivileged or rural backgrounds frequently lack the tools and assistance required to thrive in English-medium classrooms, which exacerbates the divide between them and their richer or urban equivalents (Singh, 2024). For these students, this may lead to poorer academic achievement, less self-esteem, and fewer opportunities in the future. Furthermore, giving English preference over regional languages might threaten cultural legacies and identities, which will reduce linguistic variety. Students may be further disadvantaged by teachers who lack the necessary training to teach English. Phyak and Sah (2022) contend that to rectify these injustices, EMI policies must be inclusive, offering ample support for every student while acknowledging the value of the local languages and cultures. Inclusivity in EMI policies involves ensuring that all students, regardless of their English proficiency levels, have access to the necessary resources and support to succeed. This includes specialized language training, additional instructional materials, and tailored teaching methods that accommodate diverse learning needs.

EMI and Equity Issue

Nepal’s EMI policies draw attention to equitable issues. Urban schools often possess superior resources for teaching English, which disadvantages children from rural and marginalised areas (Sah & Fang, 2023). Disparities are exacerbated by differences in teacher preparation and educators’ low English proficiency. Diversity in language and culture may potentially deteriorate, which would impact students’ identities and academic performance (Jinghui, 2023). To address these problems, rules that strike a balance between maintaining cultural traditions and promoting English proficiency must be implemented, as well as targeted help for schools that are underfunded. EMI policies can exacerbate educational inequalities by favouring students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds and urban areas with better access to English education, thereby widening the rural-urban divide. Sah and Li (2018) argue that the application of EMI policies may lead to inequalities in educational access and quality between different socioeconomic levels, urban and rural areas, and government and private schools.

The dominance of English may lead to the marginalization of local languages and cultures, fostering cultural imperialism (Phillipson, 2006). Educators should study into these differences to offer strategies for creating a more equitable and inclusive learning environment. Furthermore, many teachers are not sufficiently trained to instruct in English, which could lead to worse-than-ideal learning outcomes, particularly for pupils who are not native English speakers and find it difficult to process new information. Providing equitable access to high-quality education and opportunities for personal and professional development for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, is fundamental to EMI’s social justice mission. Sah and Fang (2023) also assert that ensuring all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have equitable access to high-quality education and opportunities for personal and professional growth is a key component of EMI’s social justice mission. Enacting EMI policies can aid in closing educational inequalities by giving pupils the language proficiency required to succeed in an increasingly globalised society (Sah & Li, 2018).

As a result, they may be able to advance their careers and engage in global dialogue. On the other hand, EMI may produce inequities that need to be addressed to achieve real social justice, such as the marginalization of regional languages and cultures and differences in the distribution of resources between urban and rural schools (Milligan, 2022). Implementing comprehensive teacher training, equitable resource distribution, and policies that support multilingualism can mitigate the challenges associated with EMI in Nepal (Phyak & Sah, 2022). In a similar vein, Solomone (2015) also contends that EMI can be a powerful tool for advancing social justice and equitable education by striking a balance between the advantages of English proficiency and the necessity of maintaining language and cultural variety.

Employment inequality is also a concern. Jobs that require proficiency in English further disadvantage those who do not have access to quality language education (Sah & Li, 2018).  Moreover, the focus on global employment opportunities can undermine local job markets and economies, affecting students who wish to work within their communities. The quality of education can suffer as well. Not all instructors might be equally proficient in EMI which can affect the quality of education delivered. Additionally, students may struggle to fully grasp complex concepts if they are not taught in their first language, leading to gaps in understanding and academic achievement. Social stratification is exacerbated by the use of EMI in schools (Parajuli, 2022). Proficiency in the English language often becomes a marker of social status, creating an elite class that has better access to education and employment opportunities. There can also be implicit or explicit discrimination against those who are less proficient in the foreign language, affecting their academic and professional growth.

Negotiating Global and Local Language Policy

To balance global and local needs, schools can promote bilingual education to help balance the need for internationalization with the preservation of local languages and cultures. Providing additional support for students struggling with EMI can help mitigate some of the inequalities. Furthermore, governments can develop inclusive policies that recognize and address the structural inequalities arising from the use of EMI (Phyak & Sah, 2022). By considering these factors, schools can work towards creating a more equitable educational environment that leverages the benefits of internationalization while minimizing structural inequalities.

Moreover, providing sufficient support means not only focusing on language acquisition but also addressing other academic and emotional needs of students. This could involve training teachers to be sensitive to the challenges faced by non-native English speakers and implementing support systems such as tutoring programs, counselling services, and peer mentoring (Nguyen, 2024). Finally, respecting local languages and cultures is essential in maintaining students’ cultural identity and motivation. This can be achieved by incorporating bilingual education models, promoting the use of mother tongues in early education, and integrating cultural content into the curriculum. By doing so, students can develop a strong foundation in their native language while gradually acquiring proficiency in English, resulting in a more balanced and effective learning experience.

While curriculum development and teacher training are crucial for effective EMI, these resources are often underfunded and inadequate for meeting the diverse needs of students. The neoliberal objective of EMI is to boost global competitiveness by ensuring students gain proficiency in English, which is seen as vital for participating in the global economy and accessing international opportunities (Tupas, 2018). However, this focus on neoliberal goals and economic constraints can overshadow issues of social justice and educational equity. To ensure that EMI fosters global opportunities without reinforcing social inequities, it is essential to advocate for bilingual education policies, involve communities in policymaking, and implement equity-focused funding to support disadvantaged students and schools. Researchers should aim to improve policy quality by exploring the motivations, challenges, and impacts of EMI policies. A thorough understanding of EMI’s effectiveness will help create policies that balance the demands of global English proficiency with the preservation of regional languages and cultures.


To conclude, EMI can improve employment prospects and worldwide communication, but it also frequently makes educational disparities worse, especially for poor children in Nepal. The students deal with issues including marginalization due to their culture, poor language skills, and inadequate instructional tools. EMI frequently benefits wealthy and urban students, widening the gap between rural and urban areas and endangering language variety and cultural identities. Furthermore, a lot of teachers are not properly trained to teach English, which results in less-than-ideal learning outcomes. Specialized language instruction and individualized teaching strategies are only two of the inclusive policies that are required to solve these problems and help all students. Encouraging bilingual education strikes a compromise between maintaining regional languages and customs and fostering global English competence. Ensuring equitable resource distribution, comprehensive teacher training, and community involvement in policymaking are crucial steps towards creating an inclusive educational environment. By recognizing and addressing the challenges of EMI, we can foster an education system that values both global competitiveness and cultural heritage, providing equal opportunities for all students regardless of their socioeconomic background.


Alhamami, M. (2023). Inequity, inequality, and language rights in English as a medium of instruction programs. Evaluation and Program Planning99, 102297.

Jinghui, S. (2023). Lost in the EMI trend: language-related issues emerging from EMI practice. SAGE Open13(3), 21582440231181494.

Macaro, E., Curle, S., Pun, J., An, J., & Dearden, J. (2018). A systematic review of English medium instruction in higher education. Language teaching51(1), 36-76.

Milligan, L. O. (2022). Towards a social and epistemic justice approach for exploring the injustices of English as a Medium of Instruction in basic education. Educational Review74(5), 927-941.

Nguyen, T. M. A. (2024). Effectiveness and equity in English-medium instruction: A comparative longitudinal study in a Vietnamese university (Doctoral dissertation, The Open University).

Phillipson, R. (2006). Language policy and linguistic imperialism. An introduction to language policy: Theory and method, 346-361.

Phyak, P. (2021). Subverting the erasure: Decolonial efforts, indigenous language education and language policy in Nepal. Journal of Language, Identity & Education20(5), 325-339.

Phyak, P., & Sah, P. K. (2022). Epistemic injustice and neoliberal imaginations in English as a medium of instruction (EMI) policy. Applied Linguistics Review.

Sah, P. K., & Fang, F. (Eds.). (2023). Policies, politics, and ideologies of English-medium instruction in Asian universities: Unsettling critical edges. Taylor & Francis.

Sah, P. K., & Li, G. (2018). English medium instruction (EMI) as linguistic capital in Nepal: Promises and realities. International Multilingual Research Journal12(2), 109-123.

Salomone, R. (2015). The rise of global English: Challenges for English-medium instruction and language rights. Language Problems and Language Planning39(3), 245-268.

Singh, R. B. (2024). “Challenges and Coping Strategies of Teaching English in an Under-Resourced Context: A Narrative Inquiry”. APPROVED B (Doctoral dissertation, Kathmandu University School of Education).).

Tupas, R. (2018). Market English as medium of instruction: Education in neoliberal times. In English medium instruction programmes (pp. 104-115). Routledge.

Author Bio: Nirmala Dhami is an Assistant Professor at Far Western University and a Ph.D. scholar. Her research interests include English Language Teaching (ELT), English Medium Instruction (EMI) policy and pedagogy, linguistic hegemony, and globalization. She is also focused on the professional development of teachers and research in policy and planning to enhance educational practices and outcomes.

Implementation of English as a Medium Instruction at Local Level

Dinesh Panthee


The use of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) has become a pressing issue in education. The global expansion of EMI has impacted the Nepalese education system. This study aimed to explore the motives behind EMI in community schools at the local level in Nepal. Conducting ethnographic research for six months in the municipality of Rupandehi, I collected data through in-depth interviews and informal conversations with four local stakeholders. The findings revealed that community schools are compelled to adopt EMI due to parents’ preferences and students’ eagerness to learn English. Consequently, student enrollment has significantly increased, leading schools to charge fees, which appears to contravene constitutional provisions and citizens’ basic rights outlined in Nepal’s 2015 constitution. Local governments need to balance EMI and preserve community linguistic and cultural diversity to ensure inclusive and quality education for all students.


The use of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) is a significant issue in education. It is believed that EMI enhances students’ proficiency in English, which is often considered as an essential asset for global communication, higher education opportunities, and career advancement. There is a rapid global transition from teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) to using English as the medium of instruction (EMI) for academic subjects like science, mathematics, geography, and medicine (Dearden, 2014). Since the 1850s, English has been taught in Nepali schools, often with greater emphasis than Nepali, the national language (Shrestha & Gautam, 2022). Today, English is a compulsory subject from Grade 1 in both community and institutional schools. In 2003, the Ministry of Education revised its policy, making English a compulsory subject from Grade 1 to build a foundation for further studies in and through English (Phyak, 2018). Institutional schools use English as the medium of instruction. Due to the preference for English, many students move to institutional schools, challenging community schools to retain their students (Shrestha, 2018). Consequently, community schools are shifting to EMI from Nepali. English is seen as crucial for communication and employment opportunities in the global market and is included in the curriculum to improve understanding and learning outcomes, especially in subjects like mathematics and science. There is limited research on how national and local EMI policies are interpreted and implemented at the local level. Reflecting upon this context, in this study, I aimed to explore the motives behind EMI in community schools at the local level in Nepal. The research question for this study is what are the underlying motives and driving factors for the adoption of English Medium Instruction (EMI) in community schools at the local level in Nepal?


I conducted ethnographic research for six months in one of the local municipalities of Rupandehi, Lumbini Province. I selected four teachers from different schools within the municipality. I chose the one that has extensive experience and active involvement in educational practices. In-depth interviews and informal conversations are the tools to collect data. The interviews were semi-structured and audio-recorded. Informal conversations provided additional insights and were noted in a field diary. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, where recurring themes and patterns were identified and interpreted. I was culturally sensitive and respectful in the interactions with participants, taking into account the cultural background, beliefs, and values of the participants during the field study. I paid attention to the accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness of data in my study.

Insights and Discussion

Balancing linguistic and cultural diversity with EMI at local levels

The local governments are responsible for determining the policies and practices regarding the use of English as a subject and medium of instruction in local schools. These policies should align with constitutional provisions promoting mother tongues and cultural diversity. While English is important in local schools, its use should be balanced with the promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity. Local governments must ensure that English education policies are effective and equitable, and support inclusive, quality education for all students. One of the participants of the study, participant TP4 focused on the EMI and she claimed:

One can learn more things as a medium than when studying English as a subject. Earlier, English was taught only as a subject in schools. But now, the opportunity to learn English has increased as there are opportunities to learn English through media, mobile, television, etc. (Interview transcript, TP3).

Her priority is on EMI so that students can learn other subjects with English medium books and other materials. Most of the school teachers agreed that educating in English medium can promote learners to be more successful in terms of both their academic and social proportions of life (Panthee, 2020). So, I did not find a similar view regarding English as a medium of instruction or as a subject. It is somehow contradictory in this issue, but all of them agreed with the necessity to learn English either through English as a subject or medium of instruction to face globalization. English as a universal language is taken as a widely used and powerful means of communication between or among people of diverse linguistic backgrounds (Poudel, 2021).

English is increasingly being used as the medium of instruction for academic subjects including physics, mathematics, geography, journalism, law, and medicine, replacing its previous ole as a foreign language (EFL). EMI in school education is growing its popularity across Nepal. The worldwide spread of EMI in education has also influenced the Nepalese school education system (Panthee, 2020). The participants stated several reasons for the adaptation of EMI in schools of the municipality. The first reason for adopting EMI is globalization. Participant TP3 stated:

The number of English medium schools is increasing due to the impact of globalization on the market. We have realized that it is necessary for students to know English to compete in the global market and can make their economic status better than now. It is only possible if they study in an English medium school. (Interview transcript, TP3).

Thus, it argues schools are adopting EMI by accepting English as a global language. Globalization and the English language are pull factors for each other. The English language plays an important role in the progress of globalization. Globalization of occupation and business with different setup values has increased the importance of the English language. English acts as a fountain of wisdom and education. English is a key component for the improvement of a career and means of earning property. English is also taken as a component to bring happiness to family and community and uplift the socio-economic status of the people (Mishra & Bhatt, 2021). So, parents send their children to learn English in the hope that it would reduce their poverty working in the global market. Educating in English medium means having opened the doors to many opportunities at home and abroad. Realizing this truth, the institutional and many community schools of the municipality have been adopting EMI as a novel linguistic market in education in recent years. This trend is increasing due to globalization and the socioeconomic power of the English language, viewing English as a linguistic capital (Bourdieu, 1993). English is taken as the means for economic development, social mobility, and participation in the global economy (Bruthiaux, 2002). The same type of practices found in China as Lei, & Hu, (2014) illustrated that China has been actively promoting EMI from junior secondary school to higher education.

The Motives Behind the Use of EMI at Local Level

EMI helps to develop foreign language skills, enabling students to work in a foreign language environment and become bilingual and multilingual, enhancing their education to respond to globalization, and preparing students for higher studies (Panthee, 2020). In the same way, participant SP1 argued that parents are confident that, the students will become smart, get a job and go abroad after studying in English medium, so the passion for English has increased daily (Interview transcript, TP1). So, there is the belief that if students get exposure to EMI they could develop English proficiency to compete in the global market. EMI is perceived to give students a double benefit: knowledge of their subject, plus the English language, and make them more attractive in the global job market. People believe that English provides a better academic and professional career in a national and international context. Similarly, the public believes their children are inferior if they do not study or educate their children in English Medium schools.

The next reason for EMI in education in Nepal is that English has formed various employment opportunities for people. Many parents enroll their children in institutional schools because English is adopted as a medium of instruction there. In this regard participant, TP4 agreed that it is very difficult to get a job i n the job markets of Nepal and foreign countries without having a better command of English (Interview transcript, TP4). The English language has increased employability by supporting international movements, providing chances for developing opportunities and spreading appropriate information (Khati, 2013). English language skills provide people with employment opportunities at the international level. Another reason for using EMI in education is to study different academic disciplines in Nepal or abroad. English has been used in subjects like science, technology, economics, culture, geography, math, etc. Participant TP2 stated:

Students want to go abroad for higher education. They need to develop proficiency in English. For this students need English medium instruction while studying significant subjects like math, English ICT, etc. It will be easier to study medicine, engineering, pilots, and other technical subjects for further study (Interview transcript, TP2)

This data shows that most students want to go abroad for their higher education. For that students need to study core subjects in English medium. English proficiency is required to enroll in any international university. It is necessary to get a standard score in IELTS, GRE, TOFEL, and PTE and the EMI plays a vital role. Students who have a good command of English language skills can get their higher studies in any university in the world where English is considered as a primary medium of instruction. EMI has benefited students by enhancing their language skills which could be beneficial for their further study.

The motives behind the use of English as a medium of instruction at local-level schools in Nepal are rooted in the desire to improve educational outcomes, access to knowledge, and employment opportunities. However, it is important to balance these goals with the promotion of mother tongues and linguistic and cultural diversity, to ensure that all students have access to inclusive and quality education. Though, the use of English as a medium of instruction can also result in the marginalization of local languages and cultures and can create language barriers for students who do not have a strong foundation in English.

Conclusion and Implications

            The study found that parents, students, and stakeholders perceive English as a universal language and a powerful means of communication. The motivation for implementing the EMI policy in Sainamaina schools is the belief that exposure to English through EMI will develop students’ proficiency, enabling them to compete globally. Stakeholders believe English offers better academic and professional prospects both nationally and internationally. The shift from Nepali Medium Instruction (NMI) to EMI in community schools is driven by parental demand and the desire to prevent student migration to institutional schools. This demonstrates that the adoption of EMI in community schools is driven by several factors, primarily globalization and the perceived economic and academic benefits of English proficiency. This trend has led to an increase in EMI community school enrollments. Community schools are compelled to adopt EMI due to parents’ and students’ attraction to English. The increasing enrollment in EMI community schools necessitates more resources. They need to charge fees which may contravene constitutional provisions and citizens’ rights. The municipality should develop clear policies for EMI and NMI and guide schools in implementing these policies to bridge the gap between policy and practice. Community schools need a comprehensive plan and policy before shifting from NMI to EMI to respect constitutional norms and children’s rights. Local governments need to implement policies that balance the promotion of English with the preservation of linguistic and cultural diversity to ensure inclusive and quality education for all students.


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Nepal Law Commission. (2015).The constitution of Nepal. Government of Nepal.

Panthee, D. (2020). Teachers’ perception of English as medium of instruction in Nepalese Community Schools. KMC Research Journal4(4), 55-70 https://doi.org/10.3126/kmcrj.v4i4.46467

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Author Bio: Mr Dinesh Panthee is an Assistant Professor at Sahid Narayan Pokharel Ramapur Campus Rupandehi. He has completed an MPhil in English Education from GSE TU. He is currently a PhD scholar in English Education at GSE TU. He is an executive member of NELTA Lumbini Province Nepal. His areas of interest include teacher professional development, educational and social research, language policy and planning, local curriculum, ICT in education, and textbook development.

Implementation of English Medium Instruction (EMI) Policy: Observation and Reflection

Dr. Tek Mani Karki


During my PhD study (2020–2023), I gathered experiences from school stakeholders who have adopted English Medium Instruction (EMI). I focused on two rural community schools, selecting them purposively for the research. I collected information primarily from parents, local-level policymakers, teachers, and students using informal interaction, interviews, and observation to understand their perceptions and experiences with the EMI policy. In this article, I present their views and experiences, providing a comprehensive insight into the impact of EMI in rural settings. Additionally, I reflect on these findings to highlight the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing EMI in rural education systems.

EMI in Parents’ Perspectives

Parents have various perspectives on the use of EMI. While some see EMI as pivotal for their children’s future careers, others believe that it could impede their learning. Among them, a segment views EMI as crucial, arguing that proficiency in English is essential for their children’s success and opportunities. They see English as a fundamental skill that enables global communication, access to higher education, and career advancement. In their view, without strong English speaking skills, children may struggle to keep up with global developments, which could limit their personal and professional growth. These parents advocate for EMI as a vital step in preparing their children for the challenges of a rapidly evolving world, ensuring that they are well-equipped to seize future opportunities.

However, some parents who did not know the importance of English were against it mainly because it was a challenging task for them to help their children in studying at their home. A few of them viewed the EMI classroom as a “mouse trap” for the school children. During an informal interaction, one of the parents explained that stakeholders of the EMI schools use the allure of EMI to attract students and parents, akin to bait in a mouse trap. Once students entered the EMI classroom, they faced difficulties in comprehending the content taught in English, thus feeling trapped and hindered in their learning process. The adoption of EMI is a contentious issue among parents. While some see it as crucial for their children’s future success, others find it problematic due to their inability to provide support at home. Additionally, there is a concern that EMI may not effectively aid learning, instead creating obstacles for students in understanding the material.

Policymakers’ Views on EMI

Policymakers at the local level hold diverse views regarding the implementation of EMI in schools. Political representatives generally support the adoption of EMI, whereas civil servant representatives often express reluctance to implement it in schools. A member from political representative in the local government articulated that EMI serves three primary purposes: “sikau” (ensuring that students learn the content in English), “tikau” (guaranteeing the sustainability of the school), and “bikau” (enhancing the marketability of the students). He emphasized that EMI is designed to facilitate the threefold objective of learning English, sustaining educational institutions, and improving students’ employability in the job market. This group of policymakers strongly advocates the use of EMI at schools and asserts that teachers at the respective levels must be proficient in delivering content in English.

However, the implementation of EMI is not without its challenges. One of the policymakers from an official representative at the local level cautions that uncritical support for EMI in schools may be an “illusion.” He argues that successful implementation of EMI in the existing context is not guaranteed. The policymakers supporting this view warn that, under the appearance of EMI, schools might attract students without having a clear and comprehensive plan for their education. They emphasize that teachers must be mentally prepared to teach content in English and should be provided with adequate support and supplementary teaching materials. Without proper resources and training, the quality of education could suffer, undermining the intended benefits of EMI. Furthermore, there is a risk that schools may prioritize English proficiency over subject mastery, leading to superficial learning outcomes. This highlights the necessity for careful planning, ongoing support, and robust execution strategies to ensure that EMI achieves its educational goals and benefits students holistically.

Teachers’ Experiences With EMI

Teachers at EMI schools have found the use of EMI to be burdensome. In an interview, a Social Studies teacher at the school acknowledged her inability to teach her assigned subject using EMI due to her limited proficiency in English. She stated, “I am not familiar with speaking English, and I struggle with correct pronunciation and word meanings; translating becomes a challenge for me in such situations.” She further expressed, “When I attempt to use English in the classroom, I am overwhelmed by the fear of making mistakes; how can I effectively teach using EMI under such circumstances?” Nearly all teachers encounter circumstances similar to those experienced by the Social Studies teacher in the specific research domain, as they have communicated to me. The insights shared by the teachers underline the substantial challenges that EMI presents for teachers like her, highlighting that EMI has become a significant issue for them.

Due to the challenges associated with teaching content in English, teachers often employ a strategy called memorization in EMI classes. They cover a limited range of topics and supply students with the answers to the questions found in the textbooks. Teachers instruct students to repeatedly read these answers during class and assign the same task as homework. During a classroom observation, one teacher provided the answers to four questions from the exercise section and instructed the students to memorize them during the class period. When the students were unable to memorize the answers, she assigned the task as homework, stating, “You must recite the answers to the questions given to you today; otherwise, I will make you squat and stand with your hands holding your ears fifty times in front of the class.” These circumstances indicate that teachers at EMI schools face significant challenges due to their limited English proficiency, leading to a reliance on memorization strategies in the classroom. This approach results in a limited range of topics being taught and pressurizes students to memorize answers, highlighting the burden and fear experienced by teachers attempting to use EMI.

EMI and Students’ Condition

In the context of Nepalese multilingual classes, students face substantial challenges in EMI classes. Through informal interactions, I gained insights into these difficulties. Following is an example of when I, as a researcher (R), informally communicated with a student (S) of class four. In this communication, I asked the student to read the heading “Rural Municipality” and she read it with difficulty. Then, I conversed with her in the following way:

R: What does ‘Rural Municipality’ mean?

S: I don’t know.

R: Do you know ‘Gaun Palika’

S: Yes, yes, I know. It is beside our school.

The student struggles to understand the term “Rural Municipality” due to the language barrier, as evidenced by their lack of recognition of the English term. However, when the term is translated to “Gaun Palika,” a familiar Nepali term, the student immediately understood and identified its relevance to their local context. While speaking with students and observing their experiences, it was evident that the transition to EMI is particularly strenuous for them. The primary issue stems from the discrepancy between the language of instruction and the student’s language proficiency. Textbooks and examination questions are in English, while teachers often resort to explaining the content in Nepali. This language-switching creates confusion and anxiety among students, as their proficiency in English is not strong enough to grasp complex concepts or understand exam questions accurately. Consequently, students often find themselves at a loss, struggling to bridge the gap between the English medium materials and their limited English skills.

Classroom observations further highlighted these challenges. During teaching and examinations, I noticed that students frequently struggle to comprehend the instructions and intentions behind the questions. Their poor English language proficiency worsens this issue, making it difficult for them to express their understanding and knowledge effectively in written form. While observing the examinations, I found many instances where students eagerly awaited assistance from subject teachers, hoping for clues or explanations in Nepali. This reliance on teachers for translation and clarification highlights the gap between the student’s language abilities and the demands of an EMI curriculum. The situation reveals a critical need for implementation of EMI in the context.


The implementation of the EMI policy faces significant challenges within the existing socio-political background of the researched settings. This policy is at odds with the preferences of parents, local education policymakers, teachers, and students alike. Additionally, the lack of suitable instructional materials designed for EMI, combined with the need for improved English language proficiency, impairs the linguistic and pedagogical difficulties encountered by both teachers and students. This situation results in a deficiency in meaningful interaction during teaching and learning activities and thereby hampers the learning of the students. It is noteworthy to understand that the implementation of the EMI policy in community schools will be effective only if the teachers are proficient in both written and spoken English and if students have opportunities to sufficiently develop their English language skills through a bilingual or multilingual approach.

Author Bio: Dr. Tek Mani Karki is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English Education at Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. He earned his PhD in 2023 with a dissertation titled “English as a Medium of Instruction in Community Schools of Nepal: Policies and Practices.” His research interests encompass the medium of instruction policy, social justice, and teacher professional development. Dr. Karki has presented research papers at numerous national and international conferences and has published extensively in these areas.

Scholars’ Perspectives and Reflections on English Medium Instruction (EMI) Research in Nepal


English Medium Instruction (EMI) is a global phenomenon, expanding rapidly across the world due to the influence of neoliberalism, instrumentalism, and the ideology of English as a global language. In Nepal, EMI has become a widely adopted medium of instruction policy, both in institutional and community schools. Consequently, many resarchers are studying various dimensions of EMI, both globally and in Nepal. In light of this, ELT Choutari has decided to publish a special issue focusing on “EMI Policies and Practices in Nepal” for its third quarterly edition (July-September 2024). This issue features the valuable insights and experiences of four distinguished scholars who have been actively researching and supervising EMI topics from diverse perspectives at universities both in Nepal and abroad. We have invited Associate Professor Dr. Bal Krishna Sharma from the University of Idaho, USA, Prof. Dr. Bal Mukunda Bhandari, Prof. Dr. Tara Datta Bhatta, and Prof. Dr. Binod Luitel from Tribhuvan University to share their thoughts on various dimensions of EMI from a research standpoint. Our Issue Editor, Nani Babu Ghimire had an interview with them. Specifically, Mr. Ghimire has gathered their opinions and views on EMI based on three key questions.

Question: Given the growing number of scholars researching EMI, why do you consider EMI a significant and researchable issue at the moment?

Associate Prof. Dr. Sharma:

Whether you accept it or not, many countries and societies, including Nepal, are increasingly viewing English as a language of globalization, internationalization, transnational mobility, and a symbol of social prestige. However, many of these perceptions are based on myths, as the practical benefits of English proficiency often fall short of expectations. The adoption of EMI, particularly in countries like Nepal, is founded on the mistaken belief that it leads to better job opportunities, higher university rankings, and miraculous improvements in student achievement and educational quality. Nanibabu-ji, your research actually points out the issue to that direction. In reality, you discuss that much of this push for EMI originates from top-down policymaking influenced by stakeholders who may not thoroughly consider research findings. These stakeholders hold the belief that EMI offers specific advantages to universities and students, often driven by financial motives. Nepali parents and students must understand whether EMI genuinely delivers the benefits that policymakers and school administrators claim. Further studies are essential to assess whether EMI genuinely enhances students’ English proficiency. If not, introducing a foreign language can have adverse effects. For instance, imagine a student struggling to understand Nepali history because the instruction is in English, despite Nepal having Nepali and numerous other languages that could effectively facilitate learning. Even if instruction in every language is impractical, utilizing multiple languages can enrich content learning.

Prof. Dr. Bhandari:

Many non-English speaking countries have been providing education in English to attract foreign students… EMI is the main concern of academic subjects like Science and Mathematics or Finance and Economics; however, the English language teaching professionals and researchers are found more interested into this issue. When the modern schooling started in Nepal, the English language has been a part of education system either as a subject or the medium of instruction. Private schools have always preferred EMI and marked themselves different from other schooling systems in Nepal.

EMI was adopted along with the global spread of English in many countries of the world; however, it has been in discussion in the recent decades. In the context of Nepal, only after the government/ community schools started to switch themselves into English medium schools or they opened a wing as English medium, voices in support or against EMI have been raised. These voices about EMI have made this issue researchable.

Prof. Dr. Bhatta:

English Medium Instruction (EMI) has significantly drawn the attention among scholars and policymakers in Nepal due to its multifaceted and multi-dimensional impact on education and society. Research on EMI is thus crucial as it helps assess the alignment of Nepal’s educational policies with global standards and measures the effectiveness of EMI in equipping students with the necessary skills for global engagement.

In the same vein, the adoption of EMI in Nepal is influenced by complex socio-cultural factors. Historically, English has been associated with prestige and socio-economic advancement, a legacy of colonial education systems. Parents and students in Nepal often view EMI as a pathway to improved educational outcomes and enhanced career prospects. This perception is supported by the belief that proficiency in English—language capital—can open doors to better job opportunities and social mobility. Research into these motivations provides valuable insights into the socio-cultural drivers of EMI adoption and highlights the need to address both the perceived benefits and the potential drawbacks of this instructional approach.

Nepal’s rich linguistic diversity poses significant challenges for the implementation of EMI. With over 126 languages spoken across the country, the practicalities of delivering instruction in English while accommodating multiple native languages are complex in the heterogeneous classroom contexts. Research should focus on how EMI can be effectively implemented without undermining Nepal’s linguistic and cultural heritage. This involves exploring models that support bilingual or multilingual education and ensure that local languages are preserved alongside the promotion of English proficiency.

Educational equity is a critical concern in the context of EMI. While EMI aims to provide students with valuable English language skills, it may unintentionally worsen existing educational inequalities. Students from affluent backgrounds often have better access to high-quality EMI programmes and resources, whereas those from disadvantaged backgrounds may face significant barriers. Research into the impact of EMI on educational equity is essential for developing policies and practices that ensure fair access to quality education for all students. This includes investigating the effectiveness of targeted support mechanisms for students from lower socio-economic backgrounds and evaluating the role of government and institutional policies in promoting educational equity.

The integration of EMI into Nepal’s education system raises important questions about balancing globalization with the preservation of cultural identities. While EMI offers opportunities for global engagement and economic advancement, it also risks overshadowing local languages and traditions. Research should explore strategies for implementing EMI in a way that respects and integrates Nepal’s cultural and linguistic diversity. This involves developing educational models that allow students to benefit from global competencies while also valuing and preserving their cultural heritage.

In this sense, EMI has been emerging as a significant and researchable issue in the present era and considerable number of scholars from various universities of Nepal have been persuading their research on EMI.

 Prof. Dr. Luitel:

In the contemporary scenario, as we know, there has been the craze for English considering its role as the international ‘lingua franca’. This is the language most widely being employed in association with international business, diplomacy, scientific-technological innovations, and various sorts of communicative exchanges from one corner to other corners of the globe – that can include social, cultural, and academic concerns.

In this context, academic institutions offering education from the lower to the higher levels are attracted towards employing English for running educational programmes; and people are also tempted towards educating their children through English – with the strong conviction that enabling their children to effectively communicate the contents in this language is the most fundamental criterion for their success. Despite the pedagogical reality that educating the children through mother tongue in the beginning years of schooling becomes the most effective way of their learning, schools have offered teaching-learning materials and organized the curricular and extra-curricular activities through English.

Basically, the issue of adopting EMI in the schools of Nepal should be considered from two angles: English medium at the level of formal requirements; and English medium at the level of classroom proceedings. When a school adopts English medium in using the textbooks and conducts examinations through English, the case is the use of EMI as part of formal requirements. Regarding EMI at the level of pedagogical practices, it should be implemented in the classroom proceedings when the teachers and students adopt it as if they are ‘immersed’ into English, without necessarily depending on the students’ native language or any other language.

EMI research, in the context of Nepal in particular, should be considered a very important field of exploration from these perspectives. It is essential to explore, how far English has been adopted as the medium of instruction at both the levels just mentioned – i.e. whether it is practiced at the level of using English medium textbooks and conducting the exams through English, or at the level of ‘immersed’ classroom pedagogy as well. In addition, there is also the need for researching the level of intellectual knowledge and insights gained by the younger children educated through EMI in comparison to those who have been educated through mother tongue or the national lingua franca (Nepali). Moreover, several issues related to parents’ perceptions, teachers’ competence, curricular materials are important for exploring the implementation of EMI in the context of Nepal.

Question: Based on your experiences, what aspects of EMI have recently been explored by novice scholars in Nepal?

Associate Prof. Dr. Sharma:

I find it challenging to pinpoint research outputs from novice scholars for several reasons. It’s known that novice scholars often collaborate with more senior researchers throughout the research process, writing, and publication phases. Both you and I have done this in various degrees and these outcomes from our colleagues and us have appeared in diverse formats such as journals (e.g., Journal of English Medium Instruction), edited volumes, handbooks, and region-specific publications. From my understanding, several areas have gained prominence within the EMI sub-field: EMI and higher education, EMI and translanguaging, and EMI and social justice, to name just a few. In higher education and EMI, researchers are exploring pedagogical practices to identify effective teaching strategies, methodologies, and assessment practices that balance content learning with language proficiency. Moreover, there is a growing interest in studying student outcomes to understand how EMI impacts academic performance, linguistic challenges, and long-term professional trajectories. Also, translanguaging, which involves the dynamic use of multiple languages by bilingual or multilingual speakers, provides a valuable framework for understanding EMI practices. By acknowledging learners’ entire linguistic repertoire, translanguaging is believed to promote a holistic approach to language learning. This allows students in EMI settings to use their native languages to understand and engage with content more deeply. Furthermore, researchers and practitioners both believe that translanguaging validates students’ cultural identities by boosting their confidence and motivation (Phyak et al., 2022; Sah & Li, 2022). There is a need for further exploration on how to effectively integrate this aspect into EMI frameworks. Finally, some research has raised concerns about social justice and inequalities stemming from EMI programs, particularly in multilingual societies like ours (Sah & Karki, 2020). There has been significant progress in critical applied linguistics through the works of scholars such as Suresh Canagarajah, Ryuko Kubota, Alaistair Pennycook, and others, who emphasize that language serves as a political tool influencing social identities and language ideologies—critical elements in language education and EMI today. Therefore, it is essential to continue examining the broader impacts of EMI on societies and individuals, particularly those on the margins (e.g., Indigenous language speakers, working-class people). Evidence indicates that EMI may be fostering or exacerbating educational and social elitism, a significant concern highlighted in research by Pramod Sah and also observed across various cultural contexts, including China, South Korea, and Hong Kong. It is important to acknowledge that if English becomes an additional barrier preventing students from accessing educational opportunities, it poses a serious issue that requires urgent attention. While not entirely avoidable, understanding and addressing these issues is essential to ensure that EMI contributes positively to educational equity and social inclusivity.

Prof. Dr. Bhandari:

EMI is a hot topic of research at present in Nepal. Though we find this topic in the reports, dissertations, and journal articles, it is yet to be understood from different facets. The researchers have so far tried to explore the policies and practices of EMI in the government schools from the stakeholders’ opinions who may not have sufficient understanding of it (Karki, 2023). On the other hand, I am not aware of any research in which an EMI teacher has been directly involved. The research with the already designed framework with limited informants may not bring the ground reality which can only capture the tip of the ice.

The findings so far have explained that EMI is the demand of the society, parents, and students therefore it is important and necessary (Ghimire, 2019; Phyak, 2016; Sah & Karki, 2020). They have also explored the challenges such as training teachers to teach in English, proper management from the side of the schools and extra financial burden for the parents.

Prof. Dr. Bhatta:

As I have above said, considerable number of scholars from various universities of Nepal have been persuading their studies on EMI. Most of the research they have made have highlighted the importance of teacher proficiency in EMI settings (Ojha, 2018). Many studies have identified gaps in teachers’ language skills and pedagogical practices, revealing that inadequate training can hinder the effectiveness of EMI. In this regard, novice scholars have explored how current professional development programmes address these challenges and proposed improvements to better equip teachers for EMI environments (Khatri, 2019).

Another area of research on EMI made by the research is the understanding the perceptions and attitudes of stakeholders—teachers, parents, students, and policymakers. Recent research has explored how these groups view EMI and their reasons for supporting or opposing it. Findings often indicate that while many stakeholders recognize the benefits of EMI for English language acquisition, there are concerns about its potential negative effects on students’ understanding of other subjects and cultural identity (Phyak & Sharma, 2020). Investigating these perceptions helps to identify areas of consensus and conflict, informing strategies for addressing stakeholder concerns and improving EMI implementation.

Similarly, the impact of EMI on student learning outcomes is a significant focus of recent research. Studies have investigated whether EMI improves English language skills and overall academic performance (Dearden, 2014). Results are mixed, with some students benefiting from EMI while others face challenges due to language barriers. This highlights the need for additional support mechanisms, such as remedial classes and differentiated instruction, to ensure that all students can thrive in EMI settings. Research in this area helps to identify best practices and interventions that can enhance the effectiveness of EMI and support diverse learning needs.

Moreover, recent research has examined how socioeconomic and linguistic factors affect students’ experiences with EMI. Studies have shown that students from lower socio-economic backgrounds and those with limited English proficiency may struggle more in EMI settings. This highlights the need for inclusive policies and practices that address these barriers and promote equitable access to EMI. Research should focus on identifying strategies to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds and ensure that EMI serves as a tool for educational equity rather than perpetuating existing inequalities.

The development of curricula and instructional materials for EMI has been another area of exploration. Scholars have investigated how to design curricula that effectively integrate English language learning with subject content. This includes evaluating the quality and relevance of textbooks and digital resources used in EMI settings. Research in this area advocates for curricula that are not only effective in teaching English but also culturally responsive and contextually appropriate for Nepal’s diverse student population.

The role of technology in enhancing EMI has been explored to assess how digital tools can support language learning and instructional practices. Research has examined the use of online platforms, language learning apps, and other technological resources in EMI settings. Many scholars have been working on EMI for their MPhil or PhD dissertations.

Prof. Dr. Luitel:

One of the issues picked up by the scholars for exploration in this regard is related to the parents’ temptation towards EMI and the social perception towards it (Ghimire, 2024). In the context of a developing country like Nepal, social perception towards EMI has been associated with ‘prestige’ to some extent. Accordingly, teachers teaching in schools through English medium are regarded with higher prestige compared to others who do not use EMI. Thus, EMI in relation to teachers’ and students’ social identify has been the matter of exploration to some extent.

Practically speaking, in the context of community schools, there are the cases of adopting EMI as well as abandoning EMI due to various reasons; and researchers’ interest in identifying the factors associated with these opposing cases have also been the concerns for exploration in Nepal. From such explorations, it is identified that schools are tempted to adopt EMI to address the demand of parents and for their own institutional sustenance; and they tend to abandon EMI if the teaching staffs cannot handle it due to the lack of competence and confidence required for instructional delivery through English.

Equally, there is also the interest among scholars regarding the use of students’ home language or the national language (Nepali) while teaching English. One of the realities in the context of second language teaching-learning is that the learner comes to learn this language with some already pre-occupied language which s/he deploys in the course of learning anything new. This psychological reality has several dimensions that need to be explored furthermore.

Question: Reflecting on your own practice and engagement in EMI research, which areas of EMI do you believe need further exploration in the future?

Associate Prof. Dr. Sharma:

I am still learning more about this topic, but based on my review so far, I identify three primary areas that need more attention in EMI research now and in the future. First, EMI and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) have been largely treated as distinct areas of research until today; however, they share overlapping goals and principles. EMI focuses on teaching academic subjects in English in contexts where English is not the first language, primarily aiming to enhance students’ language proficiency and academic success in English. CLIL, on the other hand, integrates content and language learning simultaneously; it emphasizes both subject mastery and language acquisition through a dual-focused approach. Despite their different origins and emphases, both EMI and CLIL seek to improve students’ academic outcomes and language skills. I strongly believe that integrating findings from both fields or having researchers from these seemingly different lines of research collaborate could be beneficial. Insights from CLIL’s methodologies on balancing language and content objectives can inform EMI practices; this can ensure that students not only learn the subject matter but also develop their English proficiency effectively. Conversely, research from EMI can provide CLIL practitioners with strategies for addressing academic language needs. This integration has the potential to enhance pedagogical practices and improve student outcomes, especially in contexts like ours where there is a growing emphasis on developing English abilities alongside content knowledge. At the same time, I believe it is crucial to collaborate with content area teachers and researchers; to my knowledge, very few studies involve partnerships with subject specialists and practitioners; this is the case not only in Nepal, but globally,

Second, I have read more about EMI research in the Nepali context, which repeatedly points out that “teachers are not well-trained to teach content subjects in English,” as highlighted by our own wonderful researchers including Prem Phyak (and myself), Pramod Sah, Jeevan Karki, Nani Babu Ghimire, Tek Mani Karki, Mohan Singh Saud and others. Future research should examine in more detail the design and implementation of teacher preparation and professional development programs, which are crucial for ensuring effective educational outcomes. There are hardly any formal programs that support our teachers at the grassroots level. It is essential to move beyond basic training and ask what types of professional development programs are most effective in bringing about meaningful changes in teaching practices. Effective programs should address not only language proficiency but also pedagogical skills to effectively teach content. Researchers can collaborate with practitioners and curriculum developers to offer ongoing support, such as mentorship and reflective teacher development, to help them refine their practices. In this sense, researchers have more responsibility than simply “understanding” the EMI phenomenon; because they often come with knowledge of best practices from other contexts, they can effectively work with teachers to localize effective EMI practices and strategies. Perhaps you could be an example for this through your doctoral research and participation in teacher development programs.

Finally, the integration of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in EMI could be another potential area of exploration. It’s proven that technology can provide innovative tools and platforms that support both teaching and learning in EMI contexts, with an emphasis on language and content. For instance, AI-driven language learning applications can offer personalized language practice, instant feedback, and adaptive learning paths tailored to individual student needs. Students and teachers can utilize this dimension for content learning as well. I understand that the digital divide between the poor and rich is wide in Nepal, but in contexts where technology is already integrated into education, practitioners can bridge these interfaces.

My best hope is that greater research and policy focus will be directed towards the thousands of children compelled to learn in English from their first year of primary school, as we see in Nepal and in many other world contexts. For me, there remains a pressing need for a detailed understanding of how English-medium instruction affects these children’s language identity, their access to content and the curriculum, and their overall literacy and language development across all languages.

Prof. Dr. Bhandari:

Seeing private schools performing better in the school level tests such as SEE, and also higher education, the parents and other stakeholders understood English as the instrument for better/standard education. They have not explored other aspects of EMI management. In addition to the medium, there are several determining factors that play crucial roles for imparting quality education. Most of the researchers have come up with the findings that in the name of EMI, English medium books are used but the classroom delivery is not in English, and the school environment is the same whatever the medium is (Ghimire, 2019; Gim, 2020). The studies have also reported that many community schools were not successful to run English medium education, and thus turning back to Nepali medium. The notion of successful education has to be properly defined, and it should be seen in the real life of the graduates. Despite the challenges, EMI has many implications which should/could be the area of research. Furthermore, the practice of language policy and planning in other countries may help manage EMI in Nepal.

Prof. Dr. Bhatta:

As it is an emerging area of study as well as the interest of many people, there are lots of areas for further exploration in the future.

One of them includes longitudinal studies to assess the long-term effects of EMI on students’ educational and career outcomes. While current research often focuses on immediate impacts, understanding how EMI influences students’ academic achievements and professional trajectories over time is crucial. Longitudinal studies can provide valuable insights into the sustained benefits and challenges of EMI, helping educators and policymakers develop strategies that support students throughout their academic and professional careers.

Another research is needed to explore how EMI affects cognitive development. While some studies  suggest that bilingualism associated with EMI can enhance cognitive skills, there are concerns about cognitive overload, particularly for younger students (Phyak et al., 2022). Investigating how EMI impacts cognitive processes such as problem-solving, memory, and attention can provide a deeper understanding of its effects on cognitive development and inform instructional practices that optimize learning outcomes.

Similarly, the impact of EMI on teachers’ professional identities and roles warrants further exploration. Teachers in EMI settings often face unique challenges in balancing language instruction with content delivery. Research should examine how EMI affects teachers’ perceptions of their roles, job satisfaction, and instructional practices. Understanding these dynamics can provide insights into the support and professional development needed to enhance teachers’ effectiveness and well-being in EMI contexts.

Given Nepal’s linguistic diversity, exploring how EMI intersects with multilingual education policies is essential. Research should investigate how EMI can be integrated into frameworks that support multilingualism, allowing students to develop proficiency in English while also valuing their native languages and other national languages. This includes examining models of bilingual or trilingual education that balance global competencies with local linguistic and cultural identities.

The socio-cultural implications of EMI on students and communities need further exploration. Research should investigate how EMI influences social cohesion, cultural values, and identity formation. Understanding how EMI affects students’ perceptions of their cultural heritage and social interactions within their communities can guide the development of policies that respect and celebrate Nepal’s cultural diversity while promoting global competencies.

Future research should focus on innovative pedagogical practices that enhance EMI effectiveness. This includes exploring instructional strategies, assessment methods, and classroom management techniques tailored to EMI settings. Research should identify best practices that promote active learning, critical thinking, and student engagement. This involves investigating the role of technology, collaborative learning, and culturally responsive teaching methods in improving EMI outcomes.

Prof. Dr. Luitel:

In the contemporary context when EMI schools are ‘mushrooming’ in the country, there are a few issues and concerns that deserve attention in research. One of them is related to the compatibility of EMI with the institutional capability in terms of teachers’ competence to handle it in particular (Ghimire, 2021; Karki, 2018; Ojha, 2018; Poudel, 2019). Similarly, the matter of linguistic complexity and content related qualities of the input offered in the materials (textbooks) is of prime importance for exploration.

Most importantly, I have noted the issue of developing our students’ linguistic capability and communicative competence as per the national development needs. In this regard, the crucial matter is related to how far we are preparing the students to serve the purpose of transferring the knowledge and insights from English to Nepali and vice-versa. We need the future citizens who can grasp the world knowledge through English and communicate it into Nepali for national benefit as well as ones who can effectively describe and disseminate the contents gathered or generated in Nepali to the world for making the country well-known to the rest parts of the globe. In doing the jobs in both ways, we need the committed citizens who can work for national interest.

In this connection, promotion of bilingual education is highly important; and in EMI research, the researchers should be concerned more about how far the policies and practices of EMI have been (or can be) instrumental towards promoting bilingual competence among the students in the schools of Nepal. This concern is related to the issue of learners’ competence in L1-L2 (Nepali-English) bridging – which has been my area of interest in research and innovations in the field of language pedagogy.


Dearden, J. (2014). English as a medium of instruction – a growing global phenomenon. British Council. https://tinyurl.com/2vx3v6ds

Ghimire, K. P. (2024). Perceptions on English as a Medium of Instruction in Community School in Nepal. KMC Journal, 6(1), 176–191. https://doi.org/10.3126/kmcj.v6i1.62339

Ghimire, N. B. (2019). English as a medium of instruction: Students’ discernment in Nepal. Education and Development, 29, 146–160.

Ghimire, N. B. (2021). Teacher identity in English medium instruction schools of Nepal. Journal of NELTA Gandaki, 4(1-2), 42–56.

Gim, S. J. (2020). Nepali teacher identity and English medium education: The impact of the shift to English as the medium of instruction at Nepali public schools on teacher identity (Publication No. 28257970) [Doctoral dissertation, Biola University]. Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Karki, J. (2018). Is English medium instruction working? A case study of Nepalese community schools in Mt. Everest Region. In D. Hayes (Ed.), English language teaching in Nepal: Research, reflection and practice (pp. 201–218). British Council. https://tinyurl.com/2ppw3972

Karki, T. M. (2023). English as a medium of instruction in community schools of Nepal: Policies and practices [Unpublished docotral dissertation]. Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Education, Kathmandu.

Khatri, K. K. (2019). Teachers’ attitudes towards English as medium of instruction. Journal of NELTA Gandaki, 2, 43–54. https://doi.org/10.3126/jong.v2i0.26602

Ojha, L. P. (2018). Shifting the medium of instruction to English in community schools: Policies, practices and challenges in Nepal. In D. Hayes (Ed.), English language teaching in Nepal: Research, reflection and practice (pp. 187–200). British Council. https://tinyurl.com/2ppw3972

Phyak, P. B. (2016). ‘For our cho: Tlung’: Decolonizing language ideologies and (re) imagining multilingual education policies and practices Nepal (Publication No. 10587361) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Hawaii]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Phyak, P. B., Sah, P. K., Ghimire, N. B., & Lama, A. (2022). Teacher agency in creating a translingual space in Nepal’s multilingual English-medium schools. RELC Journal, 53(2), 431–451. https://doi.org/10.1177/00336882221113950

Phyak, P. B., & Sharma, B. K. (2020). Functionality of English in language education policies and practices in Nepal. In R. A. Giri, A. Sharma, & J. D’Angelo (Eds.), Functional variations in English (pp. 321–335). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52225-4_21

Poudel, P. P. (2019). The medium of instruction policy in Nepal: Towards critical engagement on the ideological and pedagogical debate. Journal of Language Education, 5(3), 102–110. https://doi.org/10.17323/ jle.2019.8995

Sah, P. K., & Karki, J. (2020). Elite appropriation of English as a medium of instruction policy and epistemic inequalities in Himalayan schools. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 44(1), 20–34. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2020.1789154

Sah, P. K., & Li, G. (2022). Translanguaging or unequal languaging? Unfolding the plurilingual discourse of English medium instruction policy in Nepal’s public schools. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(6), 2075–2094.

Welcome to the Sixteenth Anniversary Issue, 16 (110)

credit: pngtree.com

Multimodality and multiliteracies in English language education

Dear valued readers and contributors,


We are sixteen! It gives us immense pleasure to release the sixteenth-anniversary issue of ELT Choutari. This relentless journey wouldn’t have been possible without your support, contribution, and affection. We are thankful to our readers, contributors, friends, and critics for everything they have contributed thus far.

This issue on multimodality and multiliteracies in English language education not only presents blog posts and conversations across multiple modalities but also captures educators’ practices of integrating multimodality and multiliteracies in their classes.

This issue transcends traditional modes of composition and publications. We have moved beyond the written mode to include video, visual and oral modes in this issue. It aligns with The New London Group’s (2000) conceptualization of multimodality, which recognizes changing landscape of communication by incorporating modes such as texts, visuals, audio, gestures, and spatial elements. Expanding this, Cope and Kalantzis (2013) added tactile mode into communication and meaning making as well as distinguished written mode from oral. The ability to communicate and construct meaning out of those modes are generally referred to as multiliteracies. Based on the authors’ contributions and the classroom practices in this issue, educators and students in Nepal’s classrooms are incorporating multimodality in English language teaching and learning to the extent possible. To further advance it, curricula, and pre-service/in-service teacher preparation programs must deliberately cultivate the knowledge and skills of teachers and students to effectively integrate multimodality and multiliteracies for equitable learning opportunities.

This issue is also notably remarkable for transcending across languages, leveraging the strength of bilingualism and it breaks the traditional hierarchy between authors and reviewers. In this issue we have gone bilingual, switching between languages, to recognize contributors’ linguistic repertoire and reflect their natural communication practices. It thus provides insights for educators of multilingual students about the possibilities of incorporating asset-based pedagogies such as translanguaging (García & Kleyn 2016). Similarly, we have pushed the hierarchy and boundary between authors and reviewers. Based on our years of experience supporting emerging authors and educators to write and publish, we have found that they thrive when offered mentorship support, rather than simply having their contributions accepted or rejected based on blind review. This issue further affirms the value of mentorship for emerging authors. Touching on the process in this issue, we invited interested authors to participate in a series of group and one-on-one workshop sessions, leading to the creation of first drafts. Feedback to their drafts were provided through face-to-face one-on-one sessions, which were proved very effective as it avoided confusion and miscommunication between the authors and reviewers. The orientation of these mentoring sessions was geared towards helping them articulate their ideas effectively and recognize suitable modes of composition. As a result, Choutari successfully welcomed two additional first-time authors through the mentorship sessions, a feat that would not have been achievable through the traditional blind review process alone.

We also celebrate the diversity in contents and modalities of presentation. In the blogs, we have covered teachers’ good practices, such as incorporating activities that promote multimodality and multiliteracies, implementing project-based learning in under-resourced classrooms, integrating ICT in classrooms including the use of social media for building virtual communities to scaffold each other. In conversation with teachers and teacher educators, the interview has dived deep into Nepal’s English language curricula, materials and pedagogy. In terms of modality, the blogs and conversations range from visual essays, audio-visual narratives, podcasts to video conversations. Let’s hear from the authors: 

Here is the link of blogs, interview and a bonus content:

  1. Interview on Nepal’s School-level English Curricula and Materials: Authenticity, Agency and Local Ecology
  2. Multimodality and Multiliteracy Approach to Teaching Poetry in English Language Classroom: From Experience to Exploration by Dasarath Rai
  3. Project Based Learning in Rural English Language Classrooms: A Podcast by Jham Bahadur Thapa
  4. Exploring the Transformative Impact of Technology on Language Teaching and Cross-cultural Understanding across Borders by Bibas Thapa
  5. Experiences of Flipped Teaching Through Messenger Group: A Teacher’s Reflection by Baburam Shrestha
  6. Editor’s choice: A video on Multiliteracies Framework for Language Teaching by ACTEL Membership

Finally, we would like to thank our reviewers Nanibabu Ghimire, Puskar Chaudhary, Karuna Nepal, Sagar Poudel, Jnanu Raj Paudel and Mohan Singh Saud, for their valuable contribution.

If you enjoy the multimodal publications in this issue, please feel free to share them in your circle and leave comments and questions for the contributors.

Meanwhile, we encourage you to contribute to our next issue (July- September) and send blog pieces and reflections to 2elt.choutari@gmail.com.

Happy exploring!

Jeevan Karki, the lead editor of the issue
Ganesh Bastola, Co-Editor


Cope, B., & Kalantzis, M. (2013). “Multiliteracies”: New Literacies, New Learning. In M. R. Hawkins (Ed.), In Framing languages and literacies (pp. 105–135). Routledge.

García, O., & Kleyn, T. (Eds.). (2016). Translanguaging with multilingual students: Learning from classroom moments. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

The New London Group. (2000). A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures. In B. Cope & M. Kalantzis (Eds.), A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures (First). Routledge.

Interview on Nepal’s School-level English Curricula and Materials: Authenticity, Agency and Local Ecology

The interview explores English language teachers’ perceptions and practices of ELT curricula, materials and pedagogy in private and public schools including commentary from a teacher educator and researcher. It leaves us to ponder many genuine facets left unaddressed in the curriculum and materials development in our context. The conversation highlights significant issues regarding the curriculum development process, specifically the exclusion of teachers and communities from this process. It captures practitioners’  concerns about using a single textbook across all schools in the country. The thought-provoking conversation also opens up possibilities of doing things in a better way.

The audience of the interview are policymakers, curriculum planners, pre/in-service English language teachers, and researchers.

Facilitated by Binod Duwadi, the speakers are Anju Chimariya, Ram Krishan Puri, Umesh Saud and Jeevan Karki. Here are their bios:-

Anju Kumari Chimariya: Mrs. Chimariya holds M Ed. in English education. She has been teaching English in a foreign language context for a long. Now she is a secondary English teacher at Shree Ratna Rajya Secondary School, Nagarjun 7. 

Ram Krishan Puri: Mr Puri is an M.Phil. Research Scholar at Kathmandu University School of Education. He has been teaching English in a foreign language setting for a long and now he is an English Language Teacher at Thulo Chaur Secondary School, Jwalamukhi-2, Dhading. His research interests include applied linguistics and curriculum planning and policy. 

Umesh Saud: Mr. Saud has earned an M.Phil. in English. He is the head of the English Department at DAV school, Jawalakhel. He has also been working as a sub-editor for The Himalayan Times since 2017. His research interests revolve around literature and human rights, and curriculum design and implementation.

Jeevan Karki: Mr. Karki is a multilingual educator and scholar. He has worked across diverse K-12 and higher education and non-profit settings as an educator and teacher educator. Now, he is a doctoral student and teacher educator at the teacher education department, at Michigan State University, USA. He is interested in contributing to multilingual students’ language and literacy development through research, advocacy, and intervention. His scholarly interests revolve around the representation of students’ languages, cultures and knowledge across curriculum and instruction for meaningful, relevant, and equitable educational opportunities. 

Binod Duwadi: Mr. Duwadi has earned an M.Phil. research degree from Kathmandu University School of Education, Nepal. He has been working as a visiting faculty at Kathmandu University for three years. He works as a reviewer for research journals at home and abroad. His areas of research interest include applied linguistics, critical pedagogy and innovative teaching practice in large classes.

Questions covered in the interview

  • How often do educators refer to curricula when planning or teaching English language courses?
  • What do the practitioners think of the provision of sending the same sets of textbooks from the centre to all schools at 753 local levels?
  • Are textbooks desirable, compulsory, or neither to educators?
  • What about the relevance of the prescribed texts/knowledge in the centralized textbooks?
  • Our curriculum is based on communicative language teaching and a functional approach to language. How often do educators find themselves applying these principles? What other approaches, methods, and strategies do they use in their context?
  • What are the takeaways for curriculum planners, educators, and universities to envision decentralized curricula and materials?

Multimodality and Multiliteracy Approach to Teaching Poetry in English Language Classroom: From Experience to Exploration

Dasarath Rai

We are aware that the unprecedented technological shift has significantly changed the way we teach and learn the English language today. Rajendrama (2020), asserts that “as societies become more globally interconnected through digital technologies, a wider and more complex range of communication modes is needed to disseminate and exchange knowledge” (p.151). From this perspective, it is important to consider that the integration of diverse communication modes in teaching and learning activities is an integral part of today’s classrooms. Furthermore, she adds, 

The communication practices of our learners today are intrinsically multimodal, as they naturally draw on multiple semiotic modes such as text, images, video, and sound to express their ideas, consume information, and create new content on social media, photo- and video-sharing websites, video gaming, podcasts, vlogs, blogs, and so on (p.151).

Multimodality is “a reciprocal connection and interplay between different communicative modes” (Song, 2012). In such an increasingly digital world, what role should the English language teachers play? Have they been able to create space for learning where the learners can equitably perceive and express their ideas through different modes? This write-up shares practical techniques for teaching poetry based on a multimodal approach in today’s increasingly digitalized world which is expected to be helpful for teachers while teaching English in different settings. 

Multimodality and multiliteracies

The application of this approach in the classroom is believed to foster learners’ ability to acquire and perceive information and linguistic elements and enhance students’ interaction, and critical thinking (Reyes-Torres & Raga, 2020). Furthermore, I believe that this approach will contribute to equitable learning opportunities for learners inheriting different learning styles. For this approach to teaching, I have used knowledge processes of multimodal pedagogy proposed by Reyes-Torres and Raga (2020), which comprises a) experiencing, b) conceptualizing c) analyzing d) applying as a means of implementing multiliteracies pedagogy in EFL (English as a foreign language) classrooms.

Historically multiliteracies pedagogy was introduced in 1996 by the New London Group (NLG) as an approach to literacy that would be receptive to the changing cultural, linguistic and communicative realities of increasingly globalized societies (Rajendrama, 2020). If so, what does multiliteracies pedagogy do? To put it simply, it is the knowledge and ability to understand and use different modes of communication. As suggested by the NLG learners can draw five different modes of communication for meaning-making. They are as follows. 

  • linguistic mode (e.g. learners home and school language, dialects, rhetorical structure)
  • visual (e.g. images, colours) 
  • audio (music, sound effects) 
  • gestural (e.g. movement) 
  • spatial (e.g. positioning of objects)

The application of different modes in teaching and learning is termed as pedagogy of multiliteracies. Reyes-Torres and Raga (2020) suggest four process knowledge construction (FPKC) based on the multiliteracies pedagogy as discussed below: 

Experiencing: it is the first step of teaching which engages learners in meaningful ways that incorporate both spontaneous reflection and lived experiences. This allows them to immerse themselves in the text and world. 

Conceptualizing: it draws students’ attention towards specific concepts and explicit instruction on how linguistic, visual, spatial layout, etc. produces meaning. It emphasizes what they should know and understand about the text. They also learn to examine what specific knowledge and skills they need in their process of inquiry and meaning-making.

Analyzing: it engages students in examining and discussing the author’s message from their perspectives.

Applying: it emphasizes the transfer of new knowledge to other situations and the production of new designs. Thus, learners, at this level, become able to apply different strategies for their learning.

Application of the FPKC framework in my context

While teaching poetry in the previous years, I would simply write the title on the board and give a general background of the poet followed by the discussion of a few questions related to the title or the poet. Thereafter, I would deal with some unfamiliar words and get a student to recite the poem. Then, I would explain every line along with rhyming patterns and figurative devices. For me, the interpretation of the text and meaning construction was more important. However, now with the application FPKC framework including multimodality helped me engage students differently in my classes. In the section below I discuss its application in relation to teaching the poem ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ by Robert Frost.

credit: freepik.com

Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;   

He will not see me stopping here   

To watch his woods, fill up with snow.



Credit: freepik.com

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and frozen lake

The darkest evening of the year.



credit: freepik.com

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.

The only other sound’s the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.



credit: freepik.com

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   

But I have promises to keep,   

And miles to go before I sleep,   

And miles to go before I sleep.


The visuals alongside the poem presented above can be used to teach students about the poem’s setting. The pictures have been chosen in alignment with the theme of every stanza. Now, let’s discuss the application of the FPKC framework in teaching the poem. 


This stage is similar to the conventional pre-reading stage which allows teachers to reach a closer understanding of students’ perspectives and prior knowledge. At this stage, teachers should develop students’ thoughts and engage them cognitively. As suggested by Reyes-Torres & Raga (2020), it can be done in two ways: a) by fostering an open conversation to initiate a process of inquiry and reflection through which they can use their previous experience and b) by directing their attention toward the text through a visual thinking strategy.

While teaching the poetry mentioned above, I followed the first strategy which is to begin the lesson with an open conversation. The following model questions were used to initiate the conversation.  

  • Have you ever encountered a similar environment or setting depicted in the picture before? If so, describe your experience orally and compare it to the image presented. 
  • Reflecting on the images, what emotion or thoughts do they stir within you? 
  • Take two minutes to write down your immediate thoughts and feelings inspired by the images. 

In the second stage, we can follow the visual thinking strategy which can be carried out as follows. 

  • Revisit the title of the poem and create a drawing that represents the imagery or concept evoked by the title. Share and discuss your visuals with your classmates.
  • Choose the images displayed and describe them in your own words paying attention to its composition, colours, textures, and overall setting. Then describe how these elements contribute to the mood or message conveyed through the text. 

Multimodal entails a combination of several channels to foster the development of students’ cognitive and linguistic abilities. This step of experiencing engages the learner’s critical thinking skills, learning to articulate their thoughts effectively, and gaining a deeper appreciation of the text. More importantly, the observation and interpretation of the pictures helped students do a close reading of other semiotic signs used in real-life situations as well as meaningful engagement with the text in due course of time. This process allowed me to leverage students’ prior knowledge and experiences to facilitate the construction and interpretation of meaning within the text.


To foster students’ ability to think and work with texts in an EFL context, we need to begin by selecting and building blocks of literacy that are important to them (Reyes-Torres & Raga, 2020), which suggests that we need to activate their knowledge and build the foundation for new learning. In this lesson, I picked up a few elements such as vocabulary, phonemic awareness, rhetorical devices, themes including author’s information. I started by presenting the author’s background through the following audio-visual. Listen to the audio carefully:

Building Concept: This audio helped learners to be aware of the way how poetry is to be recited. Furthermore, it provided them exposure to how sounds are segmented, and discriminated with the strong and weak forms of stressed and unstressed syllables. So, at this stage, I focused on the objective of raising phonemic awareness. I paused the audio and gave a brief explanation of the unit of rhythm consisting of a definite pattern. For instance, the first two lines follow the iambic foot in which every two syllables, the first is unstressed and the second is stressed.

Whose woods these are I think I know

His house is in the village though.

So making students aware of the stress, next there is linking ‘r’ which is realized as /a:r/. Why is it so? Why not /a:/ only?

Right here, I instructed students to concentrate on weak and strong forms. 

After playing the audio, the students were asked to interpret the poem in their way through multiple modes such as drawing, writing, recommending songs or composing their poems based on the theme of the poem.

Rhetorical devices and teachers’ intervention: At this point, I was concerned about constructing the meaning of the text by addressing the responses of the students as well as leading them to the implicit linguistic elements used in the poem or the use of the words to express meaning beyond the literal meaning of the words themselves.

Figurative Language

Personification: woods are lovely dark and deep

Symbolism: the woods, the dark evening

Imagery: his house is in the village though

Repetition: and miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep

Irony : but I have promises to keep

Teachers need to take into account the essential aesthetic nature of not only the knowledge of formal properties but also to ignite the students’ intellectual understanding as well as their emotional engagement with the text (Reyes-Torres & Raga, 2020). The discussion on this figurative language raised curiosity in learners about the artistic use of language. Thus, I guided them to compose their poems, make sentences, write songs, and speeches, make charts, sketch drawings, collect pictures etc.


The third knowledge process of multiliteracies pedagogy aims to relate textual and visual meaning with social, cultural, and ideological content and purposes (Reyes-Torres & Raga, 2020). The main goal is to have students interpret the reading from different points of view and learn to understand a particular voice, its position, motivation and concerns. To do so, I encouraged learners to discuss the author’s perspective, the emotions it triggers, implicit and explicit meaning and finally the relevance of different themes. 

Therefore, in this stage, I generated different themes of the text which are relatable to students’ lives. 

Credit: freepik.com

Theme 1. Isolation and solitude: Why do you think the narrator stops in the middle of the forest without a farmhouse nearby? What do you think the remote area represents? What kinds of feelings grow in your mind when you imagine such a place? Share your opinion.

Theme 2. Responsibility and Duty: What does the line, ‘miles to go before I sleep mean’? Present your opinion. Discuss that duties and responsibilities are far more important than our transient desires and pleasure. We may happen to

credit: freepik.com

think that this very experience is our reality but we have far to go before we finally close our eyes. Present your opinion.

Theme 3. Nature and Tranquility: What is the setting of the poem? Recall some lines of the poem that bring a vivid image to your mind.

In this section, I scaffolded students to break down the poem into different themes to develop their analytical skills and relate that with their lives. For instance, the lines, “miles to go before I sleep” instilled the knowledge of duties and responsibilities of their own. And this is exactly where facilitation is needed. In this way, “teachers relate textual and visual meaning with social, cultural, and ideological content and purposes with the students” (Reyes-Torres & Raga, 2020, p. 113).


Connecting textual content with students’ lives is one of the ways of understanding the aesthetic of reading and constructing meaning and the application of knowledge further strengthens their learning. In doing so, I needed to have well-defined objectives before starting the lesson. It demanded extensive reading, a deeper level of thinking and contemplation on how this information helps students face worldly challenges. I, therefore, needed to develop ways in which students could carry out new practice in the new contexts. In order to facilitate the application of the knowledge in the poem, I discussed the following questions:

  • How does the speaker’s description of the woods in the poem make you feel? Can you relate it to a time you’ve experienced something similar in nature? 
  • If you were in the same situation as the speaker in the poem, what decision would you make? Why? 
  • Imagine you are in the middle of the woods, how would the scene change if it were a different season, like summer or fall? 
  • Can you find another poem where a character faces a similar decision to stay or move on? Compare and contrast the two situations.

These questions challenge them to go beyond recalling information and engage in the poem more critically. They also promote critical thinking and creative expression, allowing them to connect the poem to their own life experiences and perspectives. 

Exploration and insights

The application of the FPKC frame and multiliteracies pedagogy has left some footprints in the course of my professional life which can be discussed as follows. 

  • Set clear level-wise objectives: This approach to teaching helped me to set clear level-wise objectives for the lessons from the experience to the application. The taxonomy of objectives helped me to teach students on how they could achieve higher levels of knowledge such as analysis and application. Furthermore, it made me clear what to facilitate and how to facilitate. For instance, in the conceptualization phase, I played the audio in the class which would add variety. Along with the audio, I was concerned about raising phonemic awareness in the learners focusing on stressed and unstressed syllables.
  • Integration of varied activities: The application of this framework allowed me to employ different activities in my classroom. I have used multiple modes such as questions for discussion, thematic pictures to stimulate learners, audio for building phonemic awareness, allowing students to draw pictures to express their ideas and creating situations where the students apply the acquired knowledge to a new setting. This helped me to guide the students in meaningful engagement with the text. 
  • Create space for expression and perspectives: In all phases of the framework, students were actively engaged within the poem. They expressed their ideas and perspectives either through writing answers to the questions, listening to the audio or drawing pictures related to the topic and expressing their opinions verbally. This technique created an environment where student’s minds, bodies and souls were activated.
  • Foster learner’s autonomy: The multimodal approach to teaching contributed to learner’s autonomy as well. This framework helped me to create opportunities for my students to think and work independently. They also demonstrated confidence in going beyond the lines to interpret the poetic expressions relating with their lives. 


My blog attempted to bridge the theories with classroom practice by demonstrating the application of four process knowledge construction (FPKC) framework based on the multiliteracies pedagogy through a poetry class in high school. It created room to integrate varied activities and modalities of expression (written, oral, visuals, audio-visuals modes), offered space for critical thinking and expressing their perspectives and fostered learner’s autonomy creating equitable learning in a diverse classroom setting. Thus the balanced use of multiliteracies in teaching-learning leverages English language learning, communication skills, critical thinking and aesthetic development. 

Author: Dasarath Rai teaches English at Ideal Model School, Dhobighat, Lalitpur. He has earned Master’s Degree in English Education from Mahendra Ratna, Campus, Tahachal, Kathmandu. He is interested in teacher professional development, multiculturalism, cultural identity, and materials development in language education.


Rajendram, S. (2020). A pedagogy of multiliteracies and its role in English language education. In Contemporary foundations for teaching English as an additional language (pp. 151-187). Routledge.

Reyes-Torres, A. & Raga, M.P., (2020). A multimodal approach to foster the multiliteracy pedagogy in the teaching EFL through picture books: The Snow Line. (42) 49-199. DOI: http://doi.org/10.28914/Atlantis-2020-42.1.06 

Song, J. (2012). Teaching multiliteracies: A research based on multimodality in a PPT presentation. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(1), 113-117.

Project Based Learning in Rural English Language Classrooms: A Podcast

Click below to listen to the podcast:

Jham Bahadur Thapa

Podcast script

Namaste, I’m Jham Bahadur Thapa, a multilingual English teacher. I have been teaching for 16 years and now I teach in a public secondary school in Tanahun. Today in this podcast, I’m going to share my experiences and reflections on implementing Project Based Learning in Rural English Language Classrooms.

Let’s get started!

The population of students in my school is very diverse, ranging from different linguistic, ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. They mostly speak Nepali, Magar, Darai, Kumal and Newari languages. Most of them represent lower middle-class families from farming backgrounds. So, teaching English to a heterogeneous population comes with both opportunities and challenges for me. While I learn about cultures, indigenous knowledge, and languages, I also face challenges to enhance their English language proficiency in under-resourced contexts. Additionally, students’ involvement, dropouts, and irregularity in schools are some of the challenges. Despite these challenges, my students and I have been able to try out some great approaches and activities. In this blog post, I’m going to share my experiences and reflections on implementing project-based language learning with the students in grade eight.

So, The why behind project-based learning

There are various approaches, methods, and techniques in language teaching learning and project-based learning is one of the preferred methods among students and teachers. “Project work is one of the popular student-centred techniques which centres on the completion of a task, and which usually requires an extended amount of independent work either by an individual student or by a group of students” (Ghimire, 2024, p. 432). Confronting heterogeneous and unmotivated students, I was almost hopeless about how to engage them effectively in learning activities. However, I thought of giving the project-based method a try since project-based exercises are provided in each unit of a textbook, but they have never been practised due to limited class time. I found that project-based activities promote collaboration, creation, and cooperation in learning. It also promoted student-centred learning as they learnt by engaging in real-life-based assignments. Moreover, the curriculum has recommended project-based activities in grades six to eight.

Now, let’s talk about The how behind project-based learning

There were several projects in the English textbook, and I selected the project works that they could do in the classroom or beyond. Firstly, I piloted by engaging students in preparing weekly timetables. They accomplished the tasks and presented it in the class. In the second phase, I divided the class into four teams and assigned them the project of observing local festivals, preparing posters and presenting them in class. They divided tasks among themselves, making sure that they each had their group leader. To make learning authentic and contextual, I generally set project works during the festival times. They selected local festivals such as Janai Purnima, Krishna Janmashtami, Teej, Bada Dashain, and Tihar. In the planning phase, they brainstormed and made plans followed by observation of the festivals (whatever was possible). In the poster preparation phase, they engaged in a series of discussions and works. Their conversations were interesting as they discussed in Nepali and translated their ideas into English in developing the posters with some code-switching of cultural words like Janai, Mantra, Bratabanda etc. It shows how multilingual students use their whole linguistic resources in learning the English language, which aligns with the idea of translanguaging. Not only words but also represented the festivals by drawing nice pictures. Before the presentation, they rehearsed in their groups which generated a lot of conversations, negotiation and collaboration. Then, they presented their posters mostly in English also using cultural words in Nepali. Students also served as evaluators assessing their peers’ presentations, eventually offering feedback to the presenters. This practice was a pedagogical shift in sharing the teacher’s authority with students making them active and accountable for their learning.

These projects truly brought together students to collectively engage in knowledge exploration, negotiation, presentation including assessment. It generated a lot of listening, speaking, reading, and writing including visually representing their ideas. Most importantly, students were active in the process of learning. Similarly, they learnt both the English language as well as contents based on the given projects.

Now, let’s talk about My students and my feelings and reflections

Engaging in project-based learning during my teaching sessions contributed significantly to my professional development, resulting in successful teaching experiences. Achieving my objectives of making students more active made the class enjoyable and enhanced the quality of English language teaching (ELT), requiring my role as a facilitator. The classroom dynamics, students’ collaboration and learning and the outcomes of the projects were so rich that I wish I could invite other colleagues and head teachers to witness the possibilities of project-based learning in under-resourced contexts.

Similarly, the projects offered them multiple learning opportunities ranging from English language learning, and content learning to life skills development. It boosted their confidence level in being accountable for their learning. They learnt important life skills such as teamwork, collaboration, time management, oral presentation, evaluation and feedback-giving skills. Similarly, they learnt a lot from each other, for instance, the following groups learnt presentation skills from the first group and so on. I also think that project work offered multiple learning experiences catering to students’ multiple intelligences. For example, those students who were not comfortable in writing and speaking were actively participating in drawing and decorating the posters. So, it offered multiple roles and opportunities for them to choose and work on something they were comfortable with.

Now let me talk about some systemic limitations

The project-based learning promotes active learning with fun. I like to design project-based learning opportunities as much as possible in my classrooms. However, the current curricula, textbooks and schedule are challenges to me. A class session of 55 minutes is not conducive to project-based learning activities. Asking them to work in school after my class session is rarely possible as their schedule is tight in school. Working out of school was also not always possible as they lived in different locations. Likewise, giving more class sessions to the project would leave less time for textbook completion. So, I was able to implement only three to four project-based activities in an academic year. As students are assessed based on textbook knowledge, textbook completion is an obligation for me. Additionally, inadequate access to references, resources, and teaching materials complicates the application of project-based learning.

So, now my conclusion

Project-based learning promotes student-centered learning, hence active learning. “Project-based language teaching gives significant attention to learning naturally by taking part in projects” (Joshi & Poudel, 2020, p. 276). It offers opportunities for experiential learning, engaging students in activities that stimulate all five senses, including thinking processes. This method supports direct and active learning, creative, and critical thinking, and collaborative skills and nurtures communication for problem-solving. It also opens up opportunities for planning, information assessing and processing, and life skills such as presentation and feedback-giving skills. Additionally, it empowers students to explore knowledge and express their ideas and perspectives through words, visuals and posters. Project-based activities promote holistic language development by integrating listening, speaking, reading and writing. While the curriculum emphasizes the use of project-based learning, the class time, obligation to textbook completion and lack of resources are some of the challenges to its implementation. Given its benefits to students’ engagement and learning, teachers and students need to find creative ways to engage in project-based learning.

Thanks for listening!

Author: Jham Bahadur Thapa is an M. Phil scholar in English Language Education at the Graduate School of Education TU, Kritipur, Nepal. He is a life member of NELTA and also an executive member of NELTA, Tanahun. He has been teaching English Language from basic to higher level at several schools and institutions for 17 years. His areas of interest are multilingualism, narrative inquiry and teachers’ professional development.



  1. Ghimire, R. P. (2024). The Handbook of Secondary English Teacher, JB Publication, Kritipur Kathmandu.
  2. Joshi, K. R. & Poudel, G.P. (2020). A Resource Book for the Competitors of Secondary Level English Teachers’ Examination. Inspire Publication Pvt. Ltd. Dillibazar, Kathmandu.

Exploring the Transformative Impact of Technology on Language Teaching and Cross-cultural Understanding across Borders

Bibas Thapa

As societal shifts occur, education undergoes corresponding changes. Modern technology has changed not just how we live our everyday lives but also how classes are run, giving teachers access to a multitude of tools and resources. Modern technological development is vital in helping young people acquire and enhance cross-cultural understanding and communication skills necessary for effective day-to-day interactions in the twenty-first century (Schenker, 2013). With the use of synchronous and asynchronous modes of online resources, educators can design classrooms that closely resemble actual situations, encouraging students’ active participation. By connecting schools via platforms with synchronous modes of online learning like Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Team, Google Meet, etc., educators can connect their students with classrooms across the world to collaborate and enhance their English language skills. In this blog, I share my classroom practices of integrating technology to teach the English language and develop cross-cultural understanding by connecting my students with other students across the globe.

The Genesis of the Borderless Session

Image 1: Students in a Hungarian class connecting with the students in my class through Skype

The development of information and communication technology has widened opportunities for educators and teachers to connect with the world geographically and culturally. As a result, schooling must prepare pupils for a world shaped by globalization (Darling-Hammond, 2010; Walsh, 2016). In line with this reality, I dabbled in technology throughout my early teaching career, illuminating the classroom with projectors and PowerPoint presentations. The students began to routinely sway to the beat of my digital waltz as they grew accustomed to it. However, my students grew restless as the months went by, demanding a new technology tool and a new approach to learning instead of the regular use of PowerPoint. On Friday, during an extracurricular speech competition about the effects of Facebook use, students’ desire became quite apparent. A maximum number of secondary school students used Facebook to network, learn about current events, as well as to create new acquaintances. It is evident from their speech that students found technology to be intriguing in their learning and that they also asked for more information, communication, and technology-integrated programs in schools. That speech day got me thinking about displaying fresh concepts using technology or the same projector instead of just teaching information.

When I was skimming through my Facebook, I came across a school in Punjab, India. I reached out to a teacher regarding my interest in connecting students from each other’s classrooms, opening up opportunities for them to practice their communication skills and cultural understanding. I received a response from the teacher after a week. I began brainstorming with my students and science teacher, Kumar Rumba, about possible projects. To make the session more interesting, the country name was not revealed, as they needed to guess themselves by asking yes-no questions. Students were assigned different roles as speakers, dancers, singers, etc. Some of them were anxious and hesitant to communicate with students from another country. We did not have a computer lab or a well-managed classroom but also we decided to commemorate International Dancing Day by collaborating with other teachers in our school.

Image 2: First connecting class with the school in Punjab, India, and students from a school in Hetauda.

On a Friday afternoon, my students dressed in traditional attire waited for a Skype call. It was a new experience for all of us, and I had mixed feelings. I was worried about my laptop’s data connection and whether the Skype call would go smoothly. We gathered in an office room with ‘Yes’, and ‘No’ cards, a flag, and a globe. We received their Skype call at noon and saw teachers seated on a beautifully decorated stage, accompanied by a dancer. At first, we played a guessing game where each student tried to guess each other’s countries through a series of yes/no questions. They were not allowed to provide any clue; they just needed to show a yes or no card. After asking a series of questions, students from Punjab guessed our country correctly, and our students displayed Nepal’s flag. Later, our students also guessed their country, and they displayed their national flag. The guessing game enhanced cognitive and communication skills in my students.

Next, our students and teachers (from my school) introduced themselves to each other. The students from Punjab greeted us in their native language, and my students did the same in Nepali. They described their country’s flag, traditional attire, and the school. When my students heard simple English sentences, their confidence level increased, and those students who hesitated to speak also actively took part in the conversation. One of my students exclaimed, “Ini haruko pani English hamro jasto raichha” (their English language is also like ours), demonstrating their confidence to communicate with their counterparts. Soon, they engaged in the conversation as if they had known each other for a long time.

Following this exchange, students took turns sharing ethnic dances. This experience fostered a sense of global community. The students who were reluctant to discuss Facebook’s influence during the speech competition jumped at the chance to express themselves via dancing, like a narrative twist. It made me think about multiple ways of engaging students to cater to their multiple intelligences. The inaugural international dance between Nepal and India unfolded through the lens of Skype. Students on both ends shared not just dance steps but stories of their cultures, peering into each other’s classrooms with curiosity. 

Fueled by the spirit of connection, I embarked on a mission to virtually unite my classroom with the world. Through this project, I forged ties with international acquaintances, joined online communities, and explored the connection with other classes beyond the borders through collaboration with fellow educators. This initiative was not just about crossing borders digitally; it was crucial for nurturing listening, speaking, and cognitive skills. In this dance of learning, every step was a bridge to understanding, and every word was a note in the symphony of global education. The tale of technological integration and cultural exchange emerged as a tapestry of growth, where simplicity met depth, and every breath carried the essence of learning and unity.

Language and Cultural Exchange through Skype Video Calls

Video: My students sharing cultural dance with Vietnamese students.

When we think of a classroom, we usually think of an enclosed space with four walls devoted to teaching and learning. However, in an age where technology affects human relations, communication between language teachers and students transcends traditional classroom boundaries (Romaña, 2015). This change involves moving our daily relationships into computer communication (CMC) through email or phone calls such as WhatsApp or Skype (Romaña, 2015, p. 144). Its unique features include global connectivity via video calling and student chat options. 

After having connections with more than ten countries like Vietnam, Hungary, India, Japan, Spain, Portugal, and the USA, technology and learning through it is no longer a mystery to my students. They conversed with their international student counterparts and learned about one another’s way of life. They learned about other cultures and communities, and my students also shared their customs and cultures with their global counterparts, fostering characteristics of global citizens. They taught the international students Nepali language and cultures such as Namaskar (नमस्कार), Dhanyabaad (धन्यवाद), and Sanchai (सन्चै). My students also became familiar with Sati Sri Akala (Punjabi), and HaMacTe M. (Russian) from international students. Respecting one another’s identities and cultures eliminates communication barriers and fosters greater understanding of each other. This bridges the gap between classroom content and real-world situations. The Skype sessions also helped to improve their speaking, listening, and pronunciation skills. Since my students have taken virtual international tours to different classes, Europe is not a mystery to them. 

The Skype Sessions promoted my students’ speaking skills and self-assurance. They practiced speaking in a real-world situation and engaged with both native and non-native English speakers worldwide by utilizing Skype in the classroom. Additionally, this cooperative and methodical approach contributed to their cognitive skills, geographic awareness, and cultural comprehension in an engaging and dynamic environment. 


To sum up, the borderless Skype session exemplifies how engaging students with diverse cultures worldwide facilitates cross-cultural understanding, language learning, and global connections. It offers Nepali students a remarkable opportunity to learn about other cultures while sharing their own, creating an inclusive and enriching educational experience in an interconnected world. Reflecting on my journey, technology has profoundly transformed education in my class. Platforms like Skype have fundamentally changed the way I teach and learn languages, eliminating spatial and cultural barriers. Through virtual exchanges such as Skype sessions have become an effective means of fostering cross-cultural understanding, communication, and language acquisition. 

However, it’s essential to recognize the challenges and responsibilities of connecting classrooms globally. Teachers must manage cultural sensitivities, coordinate across time zones, and ensure clear communication to foster meaningful relationships. Teachers and students together need to learn about the cultural norms and expectations of the communities they are going to interact with and collaborate with. Likewise, they need to communicate in advance the plan, activities, time zone, and so on for the sessions. We also need to assign different roles to students to make them accountable for their learning and organizing sessions. 

Looking forward, I am excited to explore more innovative virtual exchange programs within and outside the nation. I aim to develop new strategies to overcome technological challenges and further enhance their educational experiences by integrating technological tools.

Author: Bibas Thapa is an MPhil scholar in English Language Education at Kathmandu University. He is an English lecturer and also works as an ICT facilitator. He has connected in borderless sessions with dozens of countries, such as the USA, Brazil, Portugal, Greece, Vietnam, India etc.


Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). The flat world and education. New York, NY: Teachers College Press

Romaña, Y. Skype™ Conference Calls: A Way to Promote Speaking Skills in the Teaching and Learning of English. PROFILE, 17, 143 -156.

Schenker, T. (2013). The effects of a virtual exchange on students’ interest in learning about culture. Foreign Language Annals, 46(3), 491–507. http://doi.org/10.1111/ flan.12041

Walsh, L. (2016). Educating generation next: young people, teachers and schooling in transition. Houndsmill, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Experiences of Flipped Teaching Through Messenger Group: A Teacher’s Reflection

Baburam Shrestha

I have been teaching English at the basic to secondary level at government schools for more than a decade. With the advancement of technology, I have observed that teachers and parents have perceived that students are less engaged in reading textbooks and books. They think that students are more engaged in playing virtual games or using social media on their phones rather than completing assignments or engaging themselves with educational materials. Both teachers and parents have raised the question whether the ubiquitous presence of mobile phones has been a curse or a boon for students. In my perspective, it is a supporting device for them. In today’s society, it has become a fundamental tool for students to access information, communication, entertainment, and knowledge. However, by only engaging on mobile phones for games and fun can be counterproductive to their study. So, a serious question always hits me: if they like to engage on their devices, why not integrate the devices in their study. So, I created a messenger group with my students to integrate technology in their study. In this blog post, I am going to share my practices and reflect upon them.

Messenger group to integrate technology in low-resourced contexts

Schools came to closure during the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought many challenges for my colleagues and students. I was pensive as I was in a dilemma about my teaching profession. As there were no chances of opening schools, schools came up with the idea of opening learning centers across students’ communities. My colleague and I visited learning centers twice a week to assign homework package but that was not sufficient for secondary-level students. We could only accommodate 25 students in one learning center because of health protocols. During our visits, we would grade their homework, provide feedback, teach them challenging contents and assign homework for next week. I explored some of them having mobile phones and internet access at their home though a few did have access to the internet. However, they would manage to go to their peers’ house to access the internet. My observation revealed that most students were already familiar with mobile phones, they only required some ideas about using the devices for their study. Despite some limitations, I proceeded with the messenger group initiative, recognizing its potential to bridge the gap in access to educational resources and take students beyond textbooks to explore knowledge. Then I created a class messenger group and invited them to join. The group was a convenient forum for us to share resources, interact, communicate and learn. I shared study materials and assignments, and they were able to go through

A screenshot of sharing resources through messenger group

them at their own pace and time even though it was impossible to meet in school due to the pandemic. It also helped students to get some ongoing support and resolve questions as I would respond to their questions and concerns.

My approach of engaging students in their study through technology aligns with flipped learning (Flipped Learning Network, 2014) which is one of teaching approaches in classrooms today. In flipped learning, teachers provide concepts to students using either videos, audio, or presentation apps, so that students study the contents and prepare before class (Al- Samarraie et al., 2020). So that in the classroom they can spend their time collaborating with teachers and other friends to advance their knowledge and understanding about the contents, which makes the classroom activities and time more productive. In my case, I did not record and share audio and videos, instead, I used texts and visuals to summarize texts and exercises and assign the tasks to them. I also used PowerPoint slides, text, snipping tools, movies, interesting Ted Talks, Benime apps, and other tools to facilitate teaching-learning. I joined workshops offered by some teachers’ associations to enhance my knowledge and skills in using ICT in my classrooms.

I continued using the messenger group even after the pandemic. I used the forum to share the contents and assignments of the day beforehand so the students would be familiar with the contents and become prepared for the class. Then they would share their ideas too by engaging in different kinds of activities in real class. Gradually, they became

A screenshot assigning homework.

interested and accustomed to studying the shared materials and completing their homework on time. It also helped them to learn independently as they could learn in their own way at time and place. They also used the messenger group as a forum to ask follow-up questions about things they did not understand in class. I would reply and confirm the answer in the group, and they would share ideas and work with me and their peers. 

Benefits of flipped teaching

Flipped classroom vs traditional classroom

Flipped teaching is one of novel approaches where contents are shared before class with tasks assigned. Hariri et al. (2021) have illustrated that flipped learning is one of the recent and effective approaches that increase students’ interactivity and enhance the understanding of content in foreign language classrooms. I also observed some noticeable differences in student engagement and performance between traditional classroom settings and the flipped teaching approach. Unlike traditional classrooms, in flipped classes, students get direct access to knowledge with flexible contents and instructions. It was student-centered, making them active in the learning process and they were interested in studying by using mobile devices, whereas traditional classrooms are more teacher-centered where students would get less chances to interact with their teachers and peers. Similarly, they would get extra time to do their tasks and share their perspectives unlike traditional classes. In the same way, flipped teaching created an equitable opportunity for performing the tasks for students with diverse backgrounds as they would be able to study contents at their own time and pace. I also noticed that students became more independent in doing their assignments.

Benefits for my students

Parents and teachers blamed students for spending too much time on their devices and with our virtual forum, they also used their devices for study purposes. One interesting observation I made was that those who had previously neglected reading began showing interest and followed up for classroom assignments with their friends in the messenger group. Additionally, some of the students shared their work in the group. Similarly, students who had difficulty with exercises were able to comprehend complex questions

Students submitting their works through the messenger group.

and share answers due to conversation and scaffolding in the group. Even absentees shared their assignments in class as the class materials and homework were shared through the group. The class had various student types, including shy ones, who felt comfortable expressing curiosity to teachers and developed a habit of engaging with messages and reading contents. It boosted their confidence, heightened reading awareness, and accelerated learning via social media. 

Benefits for teacher

I used the virtual group to share some learning materials including content-related videos, PowerPoint slides, books, and podcasts online in advance which helped them to understand assigned materials and get ready for the next class. It also helped them in following home assignments as they could ask follow-up questions, leave their comments, and share their learning. It was also convenient for me to follow them up for their assignment through messenger. Likewise, I reused the materials and resources for other classes, so that I did not have to create another set of materials again. Embracing new technology, I further developed my teaching skills and sparked my interest in using technological tools.

Some challenges of flipped teaching

Although I was able to build a virtual students’ community to support each other in their learning, my students and I faced some challenges. Students, especially from remote parts, faced some difficulties in the internet connection. Students with internet access joined the group, but not everyone did. Those without internet access used mobile data, which proved costly and sometimes caused issues with downloading materials. Consequently, some were initially not involved in the messenger group, while others, despite being in the group, showed little interest. Gradually a few student ambassadors’ word-of-mouth brought more students back to the group and they started engaging in conversation and submitting their assignments through it. Additionally, it was a little challenging for me to make sure that they did not post irrelevant materials and messages to the group. So, the takeaway is to orient students to the dos and don’ts of virtual forums in the classroom. 

Closing thoughts

Flipped classroom teaching through messenger groups is one of the recent teaching approaches that I adopted in my classroom. It can cater to multiple learning styles of students as it opens up both synchronous and asynchronous doors of learning. In my experiences, it has been valuable for both teacher and students as it helped me to share digital resources which are not possible to share in the classroom due to lack of technology. Moreover, I was able to clarify their doubts and confusion through the group chat. Students also had opportunities for collaboration, conversation and acquiring knowledge through shared resources independently. It was helpful in making students independent in their study and confident in expressing their ideas. Additionally, I was able to teach them how they can use their mobile devices beyond communication and entertainment to access knowledge and integrate technology into education. Logistically, teachers need to have some digital literacy, but they do not need to be highly skilled in using technology though having more knowledge and skills is always helpful. I had a general idea of operating computers or mobile devices and creating a messenger group. Similarly, I was comfortable working with slides or word files, designing activities and sharing them in our virtual group. Also, we can also always find useful resources and activities online and use them.

Author: Baburam Shrestha is an MPhil scholar in English language Education at Kathmandu University. He has been teaching English from basic level to bachelor level since 2017. He is a published author in national and international levels. He is a life member of NELTA and an executive member of NELTA, Sindhuli. His areas of interest are literature, multilingualism, autoethnography and narrative inquiry.


Al- Samarraie, H., Shamsuddin, A., & Alzahrani, A. l (2020). A Flipped classroom model in higher education: a review of the evidence across discipline Education Technology Research and Development, 68(3), 1017-1051. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-019-09718-8

Flipped Learning Network. (2014). The Four Pillars of F-L-I-P™. Flipped Learning Network Hub. https://flippedlearning.org/definition-of-flipped-learning/

Han E. & Klein KC. Pre-class learning methods for flipped classroom. Am J Pharm Educ 83: 6922, 2019. doi:10.5688/ajpe6922.

Haririe Asl. Mafton, P. & Marandi, S (2021). Collaborative Flip Learning Through Call. A Recipe for Realizing Social Presence in Virtual Learning Environment. 

Reidsema, C., Kavanagh, L., Hadgraft, R. & Smith, N (2017). The Flipped Classroom. Practice and practices in higher Education. Springer.

Welcome to Fourth Quarterly Issue 15 (109)

Dear valued readers and contributors,


We are delighted to present you with the final issue of 2023, a collaborative effort made possible by your steadfast support and contributions. Our heartfelt thanks go out to our readers, contributors, friends, and critics for their invaluable roles. This edition delves into various topics, such as the hurdles faced in under-resourced classrooms in Nepal, the incorporation of ChatGPT in English teaching, reflections from the experience of crafting a master’s thesis, and the beneficial influence of local materials in English language teaching.

In the first blog post, Binod Duwadi, explores the challenges of large, under-resourced classrooms in Nepal, drawing on personal experiences as both a student and educator. It highlights the global nature of these issues in developing countries, discusses their impact on student engagement, and advocates for context-specific teaching strategies, emphasizing the need for policy changes to address educational inadequacies.

Dashratha Rai, in the second post, shares his journey of writing his master’s thesis highlighting the challenges and strategies he employed. Initially unsure about the thesis writing process, he faced difficulties and anxieties. The article details his evolution from copying others’ work to autonomous reading and writing. Rai stresses the importance of early initiation, avoiding procrastination, and seeking regular feedback from supervisors.

In the third blog post, Dammbar Singh Saud explores the impact of integrating ChatGPT in English language teaching, noting positive aspects such as fostering individual development and creativity. He encourages educators to embrace ChatGPT as a beneficial challenge, particularly for personalized guidance and goal setting. Saud acknowledges concerns, advocating for responsible usage and ethical considerations suggesting a balanced approach for institutions, leveraging ChatGPT cautiously to enhance learning while preserving academic integrity.

Finally, in the fourth blog post, Sagar Poudel highlights the importance of integrating local and cultural assets in teaching, emphasizing their positive impact on education. He calls for a shift to lively, contextual learning tailored to individual students, valuing native languages and resources. Recognizing challenges, he stresses integrating these into teacher education, advocating for uniform guidelines and supportive policies.

Here is the list of blogs for you to navigate in this issue:

  1. Engaging Students in Large Class: An Experience of an English Teacher by Binod Duwadi
  2. From the Ground Up: Thesis Writing as a Transformation of Academic Skills by Dasharath Rai
  3. AI in Education: Exploring Implications of ChatGPT in English Language Teaching by Dammar Singh Saud
  4. Reflecting the Impact of Local Instructional Materials in Nepali Teacher Education Sagar Paudel

Finally, we would like to thank our reviewers in this issue, Mohan Singh SaudNanibabu Ghimire, Jeevan Karki, Karuna Nepal, and Puskar Chaudhary for their relentless effort and contribution.

ELT Choutari serves as a platform for researchers, scholars, educators, and practitioners to exchange perspectives, practices, and stories originating from classrooms and communities. If you find the articles engaging, we encourage you to share them within your network and provide your comments. Your feedback is also welcomed on our Facebook page. Thank you for your continued support in fostering a collaborative and enriching educational community

We look forward to your blogs and articles at 2elt.choutari@gmail.com and invite you to stay tuned for our anniversary issue soon.

Happy reading, thinking, questioning and reflecting!

Ekraj Koirala, Lead Editor
Ganesh Bastola, Co-Editor

Engaging Students in Large Class: An Experience of an English Teacher

Binod Dawadi
Binod Duwadi

Setting the Context

I attended a public secondary school in Dhading, which was five kilometres walking distance away from my home. I had to do all the morning chores, prepare meals, eat and run to school as my parents had to go to work on the farm every day. As the classroom was overcrowded with up to seventy students, it was difficult to get a spot in the front row. I had to adjust with six students on a bench at the back of the class, which would make it hard to listen to my teachers. It was challenging to find a cosy place to read, write and listen to the teacher’s lectures. When I recall now, it was tough to get through all this and complete my school education.

Despite the teachers trying to engage us in learning, most of my classmates were inattentive to the teachers’ instructions. The teachers used to crack jokes or share some new things but the students hardly paid attention to their studies. As a result, the teachers were less motivated to teach us and ignored what my classmates were doing in the classroom.

My classmates were from different ethnic communities: Brahmin, Kshetri, Newar, Gurung, Tamang, Gharti, Dalits etc. As they were from diverse groups, they had different beliefs and ways of doing activities. They were basically from working-class families. Yet, some of them belonged to semi-educated families and they were less interested in their study. Nevertheless, I was very excited about my studies.

On a chilly day

It was a cold winter morning. I was teaching ‘The Ant and Grasshopper’ in class ten. I asked my students to write some new words in their exercise book individually. There was some noise, so I tried to control their side talking by cracking a joke. Some of the students who were sitting on the first and second benches were listening to me passionately, whereas the students who were sitting at the back were busy with their personal talk. Again, I told them not to make noise, but their side-talking was ongoing. I further inquired and knew that they were not listening to me clearly. Again, I advised the other side students to have patience and it took around 15 minutes to make them silent.

Moreover, I just had 30 minutes to go. Hence, I revised the previous lesson and made them ready to participate in my large class. Then, I taught my lesson before the lunch bell rang. When I came out of the classroom and I went to the canteen for lunch, I shared my problem with my close friend, who had also been teaching English at a lower secondary level. He listened to me very carefully and agreed with my problem. When I finished the trouble of the classroom. Interestingly, he narrated a story of his classroom that he was also suffering from a similar kind of trouble in large classes. After school, I went back home in the evening and started thinking about my trouble alone.

I realized large class teaching is a complex task and large classes are pretty challenging for the teachers to conduct effective instruction. In such classes, the student number is very high, more than 50, which causes difficult teaching circumstances (Hess, 2006). It is tough for teachers to focus on every student equally. It is considered that students’ engagement and active participation are diminished in large classes, and the frequency and quality of student-faculty interactions are reduced (Cash (2017). Furthermore, Marshall (2004) considers small classes to be very friendly and easy to handle but large classes are highly risky and challenging. Marshall (2004) further highlighted that the analysis of contexts, institutional change in resource allocation and teaching in multidimensional contexts is very thought-provoking.

I conceptualized that teaching in large and under-resourced classes is very tough and tedious throughout my teaching career. In the past, I was a student of a large class where physical infrastructure was not adequate, though we had a blackboard inside the classroom covered with dry grass roof of the building. We didn’t have sufficient classrooms. I still remember when I was a class three grader, and our class was divided into two different classes within a single classroom. It was pretty noisy and hard for the teachers as well. I experienced teaching in an under-resourced context is not an easy job.

Furthermore, I equally reconceptualized that large classes need much personal attention and encouragement to make progress. The students in their learning potential vary considerably due to their language and literacy skills. Thus, we say teaching in large classes is very much like teaching in all other situations; however, handling large classes is more complicated, exhausting, and infinitely more demanding, and challenging.

I explored the reality of large classes through the experience of my research participants who have been teaching a class comprising more than 60 students. I investigated challenges for instance, disruptive students, crises of discipline, and unwanted noise and explored strategies like group work, pair work, and collaborative project works to cope with the large classes with an in-depth study.

I realised that no students get a chance to learn new things in crowded classrooms. They lack the opportunity to grow holistically. Consequently, the prior investment of parents, teachers, schools, and students goes in vain. Based on my experiences as an EFL practitioner in a large classroom, I noted that offering group work and pair work was an effective tool in large-class teaching.  The ability to handle large classes provided me an insight through which I germinated useful tips for large class teaching. I reconceptualized the concept of post-method pedagogy by Kumaravedivelu (2006) who persistently claimed that a meaningful pedagogy cannot be constructed without a holistic interpretation of particular situations and that cannot be enhanced without an essential improvement of those particular situations as a theoretical foundation to scaffold his ‘parameter of particularity’. Thus, it is noted that post-method pedagogy prioritises much on creativity, patience, teamwork and leadership.

Major Strategies I Employed in My Large Classroom:

A comprehensible teaching-learning process that ensures efficiency and effectiveness involves the design and implementation of creative and innovative teaching strategies, capable of responding to the individual needs of students and ensuring their academic success, (Jucan,2020). Without level-appropriate activities and contextual strategies, the teaching-learning activities are not making success, (Kumaravadivelu, 2003). Learning style, the learner’s preferred mode of dealing with new information, includes a construct known as cognitive style, (Oxford,1990). In my experience, large-class students have various ways of learning strategies, so I have applied various ways to make them learn. Some of them are as follows.

Engaging students in different project work:

Group work is believed to be allowing students to share ideas, perspectives, and skills among their pair and group. Students learn skills of collaboration and team building in which they develop communication, cooperation and the ability to work effectively with others. It also promotes higher-order thinking, creativity, and problem-solving, as students have to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information collaboratively, (McCormick et al, 2015) So, I designed some activities to attract the student’s attention in his large class every day. I often engage students in different activities. I ask to design a Calander for a group, a Code of Conduct for the classroom for another group and a Wall Magazine for the other groups. Likewise, I instructed them to share their ideas with their friends through their diverse perspectives. Moreover, they started taking feedback from each other. I involved students in some small groups. In doing so, I selected discussion topics that could be of interest to my students. Sometimes I provided them with topics in groups or individually, they searched on the internet and through some reading materials.  I knew that all the time group did not work, so to keep every student involved in the group work, sometimes students were provided answers for each of the questions individually first.

Motivating students in pair work:

Working in pairs allows students to give and receive constructive feedback. Pairwork helps in the development of various skills such as teamwork, leadership and interpersonal skills. It is well known that motivation is a force that drives people to work towards a particular outcome (Maslow, 1943). I equally motivated students in pair works where they actively participated and developed a sense of competitiveness in and between other pairs in the classroom. I often motivated them to work on different tasks such as conversation practice, role-playing, problem-solving, debate, collaborative art, etc. Thus, I particularly engaged students in story-writing activities, case study analysis and general problem-solving. Moreover, students would appreciate their tasks in pairs and they learn their commonalities and differences.

Encouraging students to ask questions:

Teaching with questions to my students provided me direct connection with them (Filiz,2009). There is a great role for asking good questions in effective teaching and learning. Hence, I encouraged students to ask questions in my class because this task helps them build critical thinking skills. In this, they asked content-wise questions as it helped them to work together and make sense of the particular subject as mentioned by Kumaravadivelu (2003). Moreover, I motivated my students to raise questions based on their curiosity about the content. Developing questioning abilities indicates students enhance creativity and critical thinking skills. Moreover, questioning habits helped students feel relaxed and learn easily the complex subject matter. It encouraged my students to be active, independent and creative in the large classroom.  Besides this, I encouraged my students to speculate on certain incidents, for example, I showed a picture and told them to imagine and connect with the picture. I wrote a sentence, “ If I were in this situation…..”. I let students think, develop their hypotheses, and arrive at a conclusion. This pattern scaffolded students through their positive mindset that they learn interestingly in the large class classroom.

Involving students Think-pair-share procedure:

Think-pair-share (TPS) is a cooperative learning strategy that encourages active participation and engagement among learners. In this think-pair-share technique, students are given a question, and students first think about themselves prior to being instructed to discuss their response with a person sitting near them. Finally, the group shared what they discussed with their colleagues to the whole class and their discourse kept on going (Rowe,1972). Hence, I used the TPS strategy to cope with a large class context. I began my class by asking a specific question about the text. For example; What are the various uses of Artificial Intelligence in education and list them based on your experience. (from one of the chapters of grade 10). Then, my students started thinking about what they knew or had learned about my query. Then, I engaged them to work in pairs with their partner in a small group discussion. Finally, they share what they have collected so far.  Thus, the post-method pedagogy entails that students develop coordinating skills, increasing active participation and enhancing their innovative sharing skills.

Major Takeaways: 

We teachers struggle in our large classes due to a lack of level-appropriate instructional tools. We often think of managing a large classroom since it needs tactfulness and a lot of experience. Teachers’ ability to explore and develop approaches to observe, analyze and evaluate their teaching for the purpose of accomplishing desired changes. It is an eye-opener and a gateway to make teachers, who are reluctant to bring innovations to their teaching, change their minds and redirect their teaching toward a more contextualized implementation of the strategies suggested to assist them in enhancing their teaching and their students’ learning. Engaging students in various project work, motivating students in group and pair work, encouraging students to ask questions, making level-appropriate fun as well as engagement, and evolving them into TPS strategies are major roadways to creating a learning environment in large classes.


Cash, C. B., Letarago, J, Graether, S. P., & Jacobs, S. R. (2017). An analysis of the perceptions and resources of large classes university. Life Sciences Education, 16(2).

Cash & Marshall, (2007). Between deep and surface: Procedural approaches to learning in

engineering education contexts. Studies in Higher Education,29:5, 605-615, DOI: 10.


Gibbs G. (1996). Using assessment to support student learning. The University of East Anglia.

Filiz, S. (2009). Questions and answer method to ask questions and technical information on the effects of teacher education. Social Sciences Journal of Caucasus University.2.

Jucan, D.A., (2020). Efficient didactic strategies used in students’ teaching practice. Social and Behavioural Sciences.

Kumaravadivelu, B. (2003). Beyond methods: Macro strategies for language teaching. Sage.

Kumaravadivelu, B. (2005). TESOL methods: Changing tracks, challenging trends. TESOL Quarterly, 40(1), 59-81.

Hess, N. (2006). Teaching large multilevel classes. Cambridge University Press.

Hess, N. (2007). Teaching large multilevel classes. Cambridge University Press.

McCormick, N. J. and et al, (2015). Engaging Students in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: A Brief Review of the Literature. Journal of Studies in Education. 5(4).

Oxford, R.L. (1990). Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. Newbury House/Harper &Row.

Rowe, M. (1972). Wait time and rewards as instructional variables: their influence on language, logic and fate control. ERIC No Edo61103.

About Author: Binod Duwadi has earned an MPhil in English language education from Kathmandu University, School of Education. Mr. Buwadi has been a faculty of English at KUSOM and KUSOED. His research interests include ELT in under-resourced contexts, ELT with ICT integration and Multiliteracy pedagogy.

From the Ground Up: Thesis Writing as a Transformation of Academic Skills

Dasarath Rai


During my university studies, the idea of crafting the finest research paper for my master’s consumed my dreams, deeming it the noblest facet of my academic journey. Despite my fascination with the term “thesis,” I initially grappled with a clear understanding of it. It felt akin to envisioning the construction of a cosy dream house or contemplating an ethereal place. However, as the actual process of thesis writing commenced, it proved to be more challenging than anticipated. I posit that this difficulty is the primary reason many master’s students perceive research paper writing as elusive. Some abandon the endeavour, while others procrastinate until the final deadline, attempting to persuade supervisors to accept incomplete papers. There are even instances where students resort to copying others’ work.

This issue has triggered extensive discussions among teachers and academicians, scrutinized and analyzed from a top-down perspective. While existing research on the matter provides valuable insights for students and educators alike, there remains a dearth of students’ narratives detailing their struggles and strategies—an approach from the bottom up. In this article, I aim to offer my perspective on thesis writing, elucidating how I surmounted challenges, conducted research, and presented findings in a methodical and structured manner.

My Experiences with Thesis Writing

Since writing a research paper was entirely new to me, exposure from teachers was crucial to constructing a fundamental concept of academic writing, the writing process, and finding sources. The theories and principles of writing a research paper were challenging. Though I understood the language to some extent, penetrating the content left me with a profound sense of emptiness, causing anxiety. However, determined teachers’ exposure and guidance helped mitigate my struggles. After completing the third semester, I became acquainted with terms like qualitative and quantitative research design, research objectives, questions, literature review, methods, discussion and analysis, findings, and conclusions. Despite this, I lacked the necessary skill to write, making my experience of writing a research proposal akin to a crow in the cloud.

When I began preparing my first proposal, my mind was blank. Determined to start writing, I sat in front of my laptop, appearing confident as if I were embarking on the greatest task ever. My niece, who was reading beside me, sensed my seriousness. Despite fifteen to twenty minutes of pondering, my mind remained empty; not a single word appeared on the laptop screen. Frustration set in as I questioned my competency, growing restless. I began talking to myself, “What the heck! My competency is that I cannot write a sentence. How can I ever write a thesis?” Despite the anxiety, the notorious journey of writing the proposal finally began as follows.

I am sitting on a chair to draft a thesis proposal. My mind remains blank after almost twenty minutes of contemplation. Questions persist: what to write? What? Is it windy outside? I observe the fluttering curtain. The wooden chair I occupy supports me, and on the table, stacks of books stand. As I start jotting down words, a sense of purpose eludes me. Does it make sense? No, it does not. But who cares? Someone might laugh at my writing, unaware that I’m simply venting my frustration with the thesis proposal.

I powered down my laptop and exited the room. For a week, I resisted the urge to write. After that interval, I powered up the laptop and revisited the aforementioned text. Much to my surprise, whatever the text was, it infused me with confidence, evoking a sense of authenticity I hadn’t experienced since my school and college days—excluding exam writing. I felt a sense of pride in my ability to produce something, regardless of its content. This brief text served as motivation, inspiring me to dedicate unwavering effort to articulate my ideas and thoughts on paper. And so, my journey continued…

After two years of continuous effort to write a research paper and unexplainable support from my supervisor, participants, and other teachers, I managed to produce around two hundred pages of a research draft. My supervisor boosted my confidence with the statement, “Rai Bhai, you have a good insight into research work. Research is a process of learning, unlearning, and relearning. How much you’ve learned is sufficient for your level. Now, proceed to the viva. Get ready for the presentation with slides.” His statement filled me with boundless happiness as I felt I had won the battle through rigorous work, and despite his inflexible schedule, my supervisor had done his best to guide me. I still recall him calling me for an online meeting through Zoom around half-past eleven at night.

“Well, Mr. Rai, you are building castles in the air,” said the external supervisor while flipping through the pages of my research work after my presentation. He then prescribed a list of improvements. My mouth went dry with the prescription because I had foolishly convinced myself that no further editing was needed, and my research was a flawless diamond. However, with the remarks of the external supervisor, it seemed no more than a corn husk. I looked at my supervisor with a perplexed expression, and he gestured for me to be patient. It took an additional two months to align with the suggestions of the external supervisor. Eventually, my corn husk received hard binding. I call my research work a husk because I am now unsatisfied with what I wrote back then.

Suggestions for Writing Thesis

Whether the journey is easy or hard, footprints are always left behind. Following someone else’s footprints can make the journey easier. In essence, I would like to share my footprints with readers, especially master’s students preparing to write a thesis and teachers dealing with similar student issues.

How to Explore the Issue of Writing?

Recognizing the problem proves to be the most formidable hurdle for students. In the absence of a precise understanding of the challenges pertinent to their respective disciplines, students encounter a state of paralysis when tasked with writing. Even at the master’s level, numerous students grapple with identifying issues and await guidance from instructors for topic selection. While there is no inherent fault in topics provided by instructors, researching any of them is deemed acceptable. However, my observations indicate that students often encounter difficulty in critically presenting robust arguments, justifications, and references. They frequently lean on the perspectives of others, struggling to independently generate knowledge.

If we analyze the master’s degree theses written so far, the majority of students tend to begin with the historical background of English language teaching in Nepal. For example, “English education was formally introduced by Prime Minister Jang Bahadur Rana. . .” Instead, starting with a statement like, “Representation of cultural identity has become a buzzword in language teaching and learning…” Why does this happen? The answer is simple: students are often not aware of the issues and problems they are going to investigate.

Identifying the issues and problems in writing is a complex task but not impossible. In my case, I explored the issue through interdisciplinary reading and discourses. Students should engage in reading diverse texts and reflecting on their ideas, finding connections between them. Participating in conferences, seminars, and professional discourses can also be beneficial. If students work as teachers, they can easily explore issues in the workplace. For example, they can examine how social constructs hinder a child’s learning or how an English language teacher’s professional ideology influences a child’s learning. Such issues often arise in the workplace. Therefore, issues and problems are around us but require a meticulous study of the situation and context.

Early Bird Catches the Worm

Procrastination can prove detrimental to the writing process. In my case, I immediately started writing even though I didn’t have anything specific to write about. I provided my first proposal without editing, and, as a result, the quality of my writing suffered, as you might expect. Creating a draft allowed me to brainstorm ideas, and I didn’t hesitate to write whatever came to mind, irrespective of spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, or inappropriate vocabulary. During this phase, unfortunately, I resorted to copying others’ ideas and sentences, falsely claiming them as my own. I even copied entire paragraphs without concern for plagiarism, as my primary objective was to acquaint myself with various writing techniques.

One day, I confronted myself with the question of how long I could continue copying and whether I was capable of generating my writing. That pivotal moment became the catalyst for me to gather the courage and embark on crafting my original content. Within a month, I composed a twenty-five-page proposal. Seeking feedback from my teacher, I was met not with mere suggestions for improvement, but rather a barrage of probing questions. Queries such as “What is your intended focus on this topic?” “What drives your motivation to write?” “What objectives do you aim to achieve?” and “How do you envision reaching these objectives?” forced me to reevaluate my approach. In response, I opted for a different topic and resumed my writing endeavours. This early intervention proved crucial; otherwise, I might have succumbed to frustration had I delayed my start.

Autonomous Reading and Writing

At this stage of writing, I began evaluating other research works with questions in mind and a pencil in hand while reading. For instance, how has the author raised the issue? What supporting literature have they mentioned? What methods and procedures have been followed? This process provided me with insights into the methodological aspects of writing.

Regular Follow-up with Supervisor

My strength during thesis writing stemmed from the unwavering support of my supervisor and teachers. I maintained regular communication with them, receiving invaluable step-by-step feedback. Concurrently, I sought guidance from additional teachers, whose input proved instrumental in advancing my writing. One teacher played a pivotal role in helping me formulate insightful questions to delve into the core issues, while two others provided mentorship on formatting, citations, and references. My supervisor played a crucial role in refining various aspects, from polishing my language to structuring ideas within the prescribed framework. Additionally, I received training on methodologies, enhancing the overall quality of my work. This experience underscored the collective effort involved in writing, highlighting the invaluable contribution of academicians.

Post-Thesis Achievements

While pursuing my master’s degree and undertaking the challenging task of thesis writing, I observed that many of my peers regarded it as a mere ritual required for completing their studies, attaching little significance to its relevance in their post-masters life. For them, it became a task that could be completed hastily as the deadline loomed. This perspective not only presented a problem but also posed a threat to the entire academic culture. I share these observations not merely from an analytical standpoint but from my personal experience. By the time I completed my final thesis, I had rewritten and re-edited it twenty-two times—a process similar to churning curd to make ghee. This arduous journey solidified my belief that academic work is inherently sensitive, rigorous, and painstaking.

Discussing my achievement, thesis writing has illuminated the importance of academic writing, a crucial skill for my profession in teaching. As a teacher, effective writing is paramount, and I believe the certificate gains true value when accompanied by essential skills. Evaluating my teaching before and after completing the thesis, I notice a significant difference in my delivery, techniques, and guidance to students—an accomplishment in itself. Additionally, I successfully built relationships with academicians whose support has further fueled my passion for reading and writing. Ultimately, I have developed skills that have granted me both personal and economic freedom.


In conclusion, my experiential insights suggest that authentic transformation frequently necessitates enduring a period of trial. Analogous to the profound metamorphosis undergone by a caterpillar in its transition to a resplendent butterfly, or the ecdysis observed in the skin-shedding process of a snake, an academician is also required to undergo a comparable transformative process. The optimal locus and method for initiating this profound journey of metamorphosis lie in the composition of a master’s thesis.

About the Author: Dasarath Rai teaches English at Ideal Model School, Dhobighat, Lalitpur. He has accomplished a Master’s Degree in English Education from Mahendra Ratna, Campus, Tahachal, Kathmandu. He is interested in teacher professional development, multiculturalism, cultural identity, and materials development in language education.


AI in Education: Exploring implications of ChatGPT in English Language Teaching

Dammar Singh Saud


This study examines the multifaceted impact of artificial intelligence (AI) within the academic realm, specifically focusing on the writing tool ChatGPT. This research aims to explore the perspectives of teachers regarding the use of AI in English language teaching. For this purpose the data were elicited through semi-structured interviews with four English language teachers, especially focusing on the role of teachers and the advantages and limitations of AI-based tools in ELT. The findings of this study contribute to the ongoing discourse on the optimal integration of AI in the academic landscape, providing valuable insights for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers alike.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, Human Intelligence 


Artificial Intelligence has garnered significant attention in recent years, propelled by advancements such as the development of ChatGPT, a novel writing tool created by OpenAI. OpenAI (n.d.) asserts that ChatGPT possesses the remarkable capability to generate answers to even the most complex inquiries in the fields of science and technology. ChatGPT has been widely acclaimed for its versatility. ChatGPT stands apart from other chatbots due to its utilization of natural language techniques, enabling it to respond in a truly conversational manner to user-generated inquiries (Metz, 2022).  It engages in conversational interactions, allowing it to answer follow-up questions, acknowledge errors, challenge incorrect assumptions, and decline inappropriate requests (OpenAI, n.d.). It is a versatile AI language model that allows users to have interactive conversations and address a wide range of writing challenges with the help of AI-powered agents.

AI-powered tools, such as ChatGPT, have become increasingly popular in the realm of writing and communication. These tools offer users the convenience of automated assistance, enabling them to generate content, brainstorm ideas, and receive instant feedback. According to Wen and Wang (2023), the most promising aspect of ChatGPT is its capacity to use deep learning techniques to provide replies to text input that is human-like at a level far above that of any other AI model.   OpenAI’s ChatGPT has gained attention for its ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses, making it a potentially valuable resource for writers, researchers, and students alike.  Lund and Wang (2023) stated that ChatGPT is a freely available tool created by OpenAI that makes use of GPT technology. It may perform a variety of text-based requests as a sophisticated chatbot, including responding to basic inquiries and carrying out more complex activities like creating thank-you notes and solving problems with productivity.

The utilization of AI tools in educational settings has become a subject of particular interest. ChatGPT shows great promise in open education by enhancing the self-reliance and self-direction of self-taught learners while remaining practical and flexible in its application (Firat, 2023). The integration of AI, particularly ChatGPT, into the academic landscape has sparked numerous discussions and inquiries regarding its impact on various aspects of education. Consequently, this study seeks to provide valuable insights for scholars, educators, and researchers by critically examining the multifaceted implications of AI in the academic realm.


In this study, a narrative research approach was employed to explore the multifaceted impact of AI, specifically ChatGPT, within the academic landscape. The methodology involved the collection and analysis of data from various sources, including interviews with four English teachers and insights from the creators of ChatGPT. By incorporating data from these diverse sources, the study aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Interviews were conducted with teachers to collect firsthand experience using AI technologies in English language teaching,

Results and Discussions

The results and discussion section elucidates the outcomes derived from an exploration of the impact of artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, on human intelligence, with a focus on its implications in English language teaching and learning.

The AI’s Influence on Human Intelligence

The advent of artificial intelligence, exemplified by ChatGPT, has ignited extensive debates and discussions regarding its potential impact on human intelligence. The findings of this study revealed a diverse range of perspectives among the respondents. T1 and T3 expressed surprise and concern, highlighting their doubts about humans’ ability to invent a tool that challenges their intellectual relevance. This sentiment underscores the underlying fear of obsolescence that some individuals experience in the face of advancing AI technologies. T1, when confronted with the latest developments in AI, exhibited a palpable sense of surprise. This surprise emanated from the realization that AI has progressed to a point where it challenges the traditional understanding of human intellectual superiority. T1’s astonishment is evident in their statements, such as “I never thought we’d see the day when machines could pose a threat to our cognitive prowess.”

As T1 delved deeper into the implications of these advancements, a concern emerged regarding the feasibility of humans inventing tools that could rival or surpass their intellectual abilities. This concern was expressed through questions like, “Can we really create something that competes with the complexity and depth of human thought?” T1’s skepticism underlines a fundamental doubt about the potential of human ingenuity to keep pace with AI, contributing to the broader narrative of anxiety surrounding the evolving relationship between humans and technology, as discussed by Mukherjee (2020).

On the contrary, T2, when reflecting on the historical trajectory of technological innovations, emphasized the positive narrative that has accompanied these advancements. T2 pointed out the widespread celebration of inventions such as calculators, highlighting their role in revolutionizing mathematical efficiency. “Think about how we celebrated the advent of calculators,” T2 remarked, “they didn’t replace our ability to think but amplified our computational power, making complex tasks more accessible.” T2’s narrative suggests a pattern of historical celebration rooted in the belief that these technologies, far from diminishing human capabilities, have consistently augmented, and improved various aspects of daily life.

In the same vein, T4 emphasized a historical inclination to celebrate innovations that improve efficiency and connectivity; a perspective consistent with the findings of Arini et al. (2022).Drawing parallels to earlier technological advancements, T4 invoked the example of televisions, highlighting their role in shaping the entertainment and news dissemination. T4 argued, “We’ve consistently celebrated inventions that bring people together and make our lives more efficient. It’s a testament to our openness to embracing technologies that amplify human capabilities.” T2 and T4 argued that the historical celebration of technological inventions, such as calculators, televisions, and the internet, indicates a propensity for embracing advancements that enhance human capabilities and improve efficiency (McGee, 2023). McGee’s study further supports this notion by demonstrating ChatGPT’s ability to craft compelling short stories, showcasing the potential of AI in creative endeavours and suggesting that AI can be a valuable tool for augmenting human intelligence.

The positive perspectives expressed by T2 and T4 emphasize the potential benefits of AI in augmenting human intelligence. The respondents highlighted the efficiency and effectiveness of AI-powered technologies, such as intelligent tutoring systems and personalized recommendation algorithms, in enhancing learning, problem-solving, and decision-making capabilities. This aligns with the notion that AI can provide access to vast amounts of information and enable faster and more accurate processing, ultimately improving human cognitive performance.

However, it is important not to disregard the concerns raised by T1 and T3. T1’s concerns revolve around the potential consequences of excessive reliance on AI, particularly in the realm of critical thinking and problem-solving. T1, expressing apprehension, noted, “We need to be cautious about depending too much on AI for our thinking processes. There’s a risk of diminishing our ability to critically analyze situations and solve problems independently.” T1 raises an essential consideration, pointing to the necessity of striking a balance between leveraging AI assistance and ensuring the continued development of human cognitive abilities. The concern is anchored in the belief that an overreliance on AI may hinder the cultivation of critical thinking skills, which are fundamental to human intelligence.

Similarly, T3’s caution regarding biases and ethical challenges associated with AI algorithms points to the need for scrutiny and regulation of AI systems to ensure fairness, transparency, and ethical decision-making. T3 remarked, “We can’t ignore the potential biases that AI algorithms may inherit, and the ethical dilemmas they might create. There’s a responsibility to ensure fairness, transparency, and ethical decision-making in AI systems.”

T3’s perspective prompts a critical examination of the societal implications of AI, emphasizing the importance of establishing ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks to mitigate potential harms. T3’s caution serves as a reminder that the integration of AI requires thoughtful consideration to prevent unintended consequences and to safeguard against biases in decision-making processes.

A notable point of contention raised by T1 is the limitation of AI in replicating creativity and emotional intelligence, which are essential components of human intelligence. Human intelligence encompasses emotional understanding, empathy, and artistic expression, which AI struggles to replicate accurately. T2, when discussing the limitations of AI, emphasized the need to view AI not as a replacement for human creativity but as a tool that can complement and support it. T2 noted, “Sure, AI has its limitations, especially in replicating the depth of human creativity. But we shouldn’t see it as a hindrance; rather, AI can act as a valuable ally, offering new perspectives and possibilities.”

Further, T2 provided examples of AI applications in creative fields, such as music composition and visual arts, where AI algorithms have been used to generate novel ideas and inspire human artists. T2’s perspective reflects an openness to the collaborative potential between humans and AI, suggesting that rather than stifling creativity, AI can catalyze pushing creative boundaries.

Similarly, T4 echoed this optimistic perspective, recognizing the limitations of AI while emphasizing its capacity to act as a supportive force for human creativity. T4 stated, “AI may not fully replicate human creativity, but it can certainly enhance it. We’ve seen instances where AI-driven tools contribute to the creative process, offering fresh insights and sparking innovative ideas.”

T4 referred to collaborative efforts between artists and AI systems, showcasing how these partnerships can result in unique and groundbreaking creations. T4’s narrative underscores the idea that AI has the potential to inspire and augment human creativity rather than diminish it, presenting an optimistic view of the symbiotic relationship between technology and artistic expression.

Artificial Intelligence and its Role in English Language Teaching

The integration of Artificial Intelligence in English Language Teaching is transforming traditional pedagogical approaches. T2 and T4 provide unique insights into the various AI-driven innovations that enhance personalized learning experiences and streamline administrative tasks, contributing to a more effective and dynamic ELT environment.

While T2 emphasizes the concept of personalized learning and the transformative impact of AI in language assessment, as discussed by Sun (2023), T4 delves into AI’s role in refining language skills, particularly in the realms of speech recognition, pronunciation improvement, and immersive experiences. Both perspectives shed light on the multifaceted contributions of AI to language education, providing specific data and insights.

T1’s perspective aligns with T2’s focus on personalized learning, emphasizing the transformative impact of AI in language assessment. T1 acknowledges the potential of AI to revolutionize language learning by stating, “AI has the capability to analyze individual student data and create personalized learning paths. This tailoring extends to adaptive materials and exercises that cater to learners’ strengths and weaknesses, accommodating their unique pace and learning style.”

Furthermore, T1 emphasizes the role of automated evaluations facilitated by AI, covering various language aspects. T1 notes, “Automated evaluations encompass grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing. This comprehensive assessment ensures a well-rounded understanding of a student’s language proficiency.” T1 also underscores the accessibility and flexibility of language learning through the integration of AI-driven chatbots, stating, “The inclusion of AI-driven chatbots provides students with a 24/7 conversational interface for continuous language practice, enhancing accessibility and flexibility in language learning.”

In T4’s narrative, the focus is on AI’s role in refining language skills, particularly in the areas of speech recognition, pronunciation improvement, and immersive experiences. T4 underscores the real-time feedback provided by AI-driven applications, stating, “AI-driven applications offer real-time feedback on spoken language, assisting learners in honing their pronunciation and fluency.”

T4 expands on the role of AI in content creation and adaptation, in line with the research conducted by Koraishi (2023), who mentions, “AI contributes to content creation and adaptation, generating interactive materials tailored to individual needs and proficiency levels. This adaptability ensures a personalized and effective learning experience.” The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, powered by AI, is highlighted by T4 for immersive language learning experiences. T4 notes, “VR and AR technologies, powered by AI, provide immersive language learning experiences, simulating real-world scenarios for practical language use and cultural exposure.”

Moreover, T4 recognizes the value of AI in data analysis for educators, stating, “AI facilitates data analysis for educators, enabling the identification of trends and patterns in student performance. This data-driven approach enhances teaching methods and course effectiveness, ensuring a more tailored and impactful language education.”

T1 and T4’s narratives provide a comprehensive understanding of the varied contributions of AI to language learning. T2’s emphasis on personalized learning and transformative language assessment aligns with T1’s recognition of AI’s capability to tailor learning paths and facilitate automated evaluations. Additionally, T4’s focus on refining language skills through real-time feedback, immersive experiences, and data analysis complements the broader picture of AI’s impact on language education. Together, these perspectives highlight the rich potential of AI to revolutionize language learning, catering to individual needs, enhancing accessibility, and optimizing teaching methodologies.

The incorporation of AI into the academic realm has sparked discussions about the evolving role of teachers. T1 and T3 express concerns about the potential obsolescence of traditional teachers as AI-powered tools gain prominence. On the contrary, T2 and T4 highlight the enduring significance of human teachers, emphasizing the irreplaceable role of physical presence, support, guidance, and feedback in fostering student achievement.

T1, in expressing concerns about the integration of AI, specifically referenced AI-powered tools like ChatGPT potentially rendering traditional English teachers obsolete. T1’s apprehensions centre around the idea that advanced AI tools could replace or diminish the need for human educators. T1 remarked, “With tools like ChatGPT, there’s a risk that traditional English teachers might become obsolete. The worry is that AI could take over the role of guiding and instructing students in language skills.” T1’s perspective reflects broader anxiety about the changing dynamics in the academic sphere and raises questions about the potential displacement of human educators by AI technologies.

T3, in a similar vein, expressed apprehension about the impact of AI-based solutions on the necessity of human educators. T3 pondered whether learners, with access to AI solutions providing instant answers, might no longer require the guidance and expertise of human teachers. T3 articulated, “If AI can provide quick answers to every question, what’s left for human educators to do? There’s a risk that students may no longer see the value in learning from human teachers.” T3’s concerns highlight the potential shift in the perceived value of human educators in the face of readily available AI-based solutions, prompting a reflection on the evolving role of teachers in the educational landscape.

In contrast, T2 and T4 emphasized the enduring significance of human teachers in the learning process. They underscored the importance of physical presence, support, guidance, and feedback as pivotal elements contributing to students’ achievements. T2 specifically addressed the limitations of AI, stating, “While AI can offer assistance, it lacks the personal touch and nuanced understanding that human teachers bring to the table. The physical presence of a teacher is crucial in creating a supportive learning environment.” Similarly, T4 echoed this sentiment, stating, “AI can provide information, but human teachers provide more than just knowledge. They offer support, guidance, and personalized feedback that contribute significantly to students’ academic and personal development.”

The diverse perspectives of T1, T2, T3, and T4 highlight the complex considerations surrounding the integration of AI into education.  The narratives collectively underscore the need for a balanced approach that leverages the strengths of AI tools while recognizing the irreplaceable role of human teachers. The integration of AI should be viewed as a supplementary aid, enhancing the educational experience rather than replacing the invaluable qualities that human teachers bring to the academic sphere.

One of the most substantial advantages of AI-based tools in academic writing is their potential to save time and improve efficiency (T1 and T3). Natural language processing algorithms, as highlighted in the study conducted by Golan et al. (2023), can assist authors in identifying and correcting errors in their work, enabling them to focus more on the content of their writing rather than on mechanical aspects. This aspect allows students and researchers to allocate more time and energy to higher-order cognitive processes, such as analysis, synthesis, and critical evaluation. However, it is crucial to exercise caution and critical judgment when utilizing AI tools in writing tasks to ensure the integrity and quality of the work produced. While AI can offer valuable support, it is not a substitute for the intellectual rigour and originality that human authors bring to their scholarly pursuits.

Respondents also acknowledged that while AI assists with various writing tasks, it also has its limitations. For example, ChatGPT struggles to accurately write a biography, underscoring the need for human teachers to fill these gaps and provide a more comprehensive and nuanced educational experience. This aligns with the perspective that AI should be viewed as a complement to, rather than a replacement for, human educators (McGee, 2023). It is essential to recognize the unique qualities and contributions of human teachers in fostering critical thinking, creativity, and interpersonal skills in students. The integration of AI in academic writing offers advantages in terms of time-saving and efficiency improvements, as highlighted by Golan et al. (2023). Nevertheless, a balanced approach that combines AI tools’ strengths with human educators’ expertise and guidance is essential to ensure a comprehensive and high-quality educational experience.


In conclusion, the integration of AI, specifically ChatGPT, in English language teaching has brought forth a range of outcomes with both positive and negative implications.   AI Online platforms like Khan Academy, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and video conferences offer learners ample opportunities for self-directed learning, provides alternative pathways that do not impede individual development or hinder creativity. ChatGPT emerges as a valuable tool for empowering students with personalized advice, support   receive tailored guidance.  Additionally, ChatGPT serves as a self-evaluation and reflection instrument, cultivating accountability, active participation, and the development of essential skills and strategies for as self-directed learning. Hence, Instead of outright forbidding or dismissing the adoption of this technology, educational institutions should exercise appropriate control and promote responsible usage upholding ethical considerations and academic integrity. Educational institutions can achieve this by adopting a cautious and well-regulated approach that addresses potential risks or challenges while harnessing the potential of ChatGPT to enhance the learning experience (Office of Educational Technology, n.d.).


Arini, D. N., Hidayat, F., Winarti, A., & Rosalina, E. (2022). Artificial intelligence (AI)-based mobile learning in ELT for EFL learners: The implementation and learners’ attitudes. https://lighthouse-pub.com/ijesss/article/view/170

Firat, M. (2023). How ChatGPT can transform autodidactic experiences and open education? https://osf.io/9ge8m/

Golan, R. et al. (2023). Artificial intelligence in academic writing: A paradigm-shifting technological advance. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36829078/

Koraishi, O. (2023). Teaching English in the age of AI: Embracing ChatGPT to optimize EFL materials and assessment. Language Education and Technology3(1), 55-72. https://langedutech.com/letjournal/index.php/let/article/view/48

Lund, B. D., & Wang, T. (2023). Chatting about chatgpt: How may AI and GPT Impact Academia and libraries? Library Hi Tech News, 40(3), 26–29. https://doi.org/10.1108/lhtn-01-2023-0009

Metz, A. (2022). 6 exciting ways to use ChatGPT- from coding to poetry. TechRadar. https://www.techradar.com/features/6-exciting-ways-to-use-chatgpt-from-coding-to-poetry

McGee, R. W. (2023). What will the United States look like in 2050? https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert-Mcgee-5/publication/369972271_What_Will_the_United_States_Look_Like_in_2050_A_ChatGPT_Short_Story/links/6437276820f25554da299b45/What-Will-the-United-States-Look-Like-in-2050-A-ChatGPT-Short-Story.pdf

Mukherjee, R. (2020). The Introduction of Artificial Intelligence in ESL Teaching: Possibilities and Limitations. Changing Trends in Human Thoughts and Perspectives: Science, Humanities and Culture Part I, 89-93. https://jogamayadevicollege.ac.in/uploads/1594634946.pdf#page=101

Office of Educational Technology. (n.d.). Artificial intelligence in education: Promises and implications. https://tech.ed.gov/ai/

OpenAI. (n.d.). Introducing ChatGPT. https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt

Sun, T. (2023). The Potential Use of Artificial Intelligence in ESL Writing Assessment: A Case Study of IELTS Writing Tasks. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning7(2), 42-51. https://journal.ilta.ie/index.php/telji/article/view/137

Wen, J., & Wang, W. (2023). The future of ChatGPT in academic research and publishing: A commentary for clinical and translational medicine. Clinical and Translational Medicine, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.1002/ctm2.1207.

About the Author: Dammar Singh Saud, currently serving as an assistant professor at Far Western University Darchula Multiple Campus in Nepal, earned his MPhil in English Language Education from Kathmandu University. His research focuses on several areas, including ELT Pedagogy, ICT in ELT, Professional Development, and Translanguaging.

Reflecting the Impact of Local Instructional Materials in Nepali Teacher Education

Sagar Paudel


In this article, I explore the influence of locally and culturally accessible instructional materials in teacher education programs, emphasizing my reflections on their utilization by educators. This investigation stems from my research conducted during the completion of my M.Phil. Degree at Kathmandu University. The primary objective of my study was to examine the use, efficacy, and overall impact of integrating local and culturally available materials in teacher education programs across various universities. This research holds significance as it adds to the discourse on the globalization of education and underscores the importance of culturally sensitive pedagogical approaches.

Locally and Culturally Available Instructional Materials

In the Nepalese context, the availability of locally accessible resources has reshaped the landscape of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) educational materials. Various items, including folktales, traditional melodies, cultural artefacts, and local literature, prove effective in contextualizing subjects related to global language learning in an EFL classroom. Additionally, materials present in the campus library, such as newspapers, magazines, journals, and photos, can be utilized. Official documents released by institutions, such as notices, letters, brochures, and pamphlets, also serve as locally available materials. Teachers can collect photos and short video clips of local working people, and display them in the classroom through multimedia. Items like restaurant menus, stamps, and other local artefacts can further contribute to contextualizing classroom content. These instructional materials provide educators with a significant opportunity to create a vibrant and engaging learning environment

Use and Impact of Instructional Materials

Observing how effectively teachers integrated these materials into the university-prescribed subjects during my research was inspiring. There was a noticeable enhancement in both teacher and student engagement. Teachers reported a stronger connection to the material, enabling them to deliver courses more effectively. The resonance of these materials with their own experiences improved students’ motivation and enthusiasm for studying English in teacher education programs. Not only did locally and culturally relevant teaching materials prove to be valuable assets for language learning, but they also instilled a sense of pride in students for their culture and local environment. Incorporating these resources made the learning process more meaningful by bridging the gap between the local cultural context and the global language of English.

Teachers’ Viewpoints

During interviews with EFL teachers actively utilizing local resources, I observed a strong sense of empowerment and ownership. Recognizing their cultural heritage as a valuable asset in education, these teachers displayed a renewed passion for their work. Many teachers mentioned that incorporating locally relevant resources enhanced their teaching methods and broadened their understanding. They also noted an improvement in their students’ understanding and engagement in teaching-learning activities. Students not only learned English but also gained an understanding of the cultural contexts essential to the language, highlighting the interplay between language and culture. Teachers believed that a strong relationship between language and culture could bring about positive changes in teaching and learning tailored to the needs of the local context.

Relevancy of Locally and Culturally Available Instructional Materials

It is crucial not to overstate the significance of locally and culturally appropriate teaching resources in the Nepalese EFL environment. An increasing number of teachers recognize the importance of preserving and celebrating local cultures in the classroom as education becomes more globalized. The use of native or local resources establishes a connection between the need to preserve local identity and the global demand for English language proficiency. Participant teachers also emphasized the importance of using materials that contextualize global content in local contexts, facilitating effective student learning. Integrating local materials is not just an essential educational strategy but a necessity in a country like Nepal, given its diversity and richness in linguistic and cultural aspects.

My thoughts on Locally and Culturally Materials

The research I conducted serves as a stepping stone to further understanding the importance and relevance of using locally and culturally available assets in teaching-learning activities. My experience as a researcher has been thoughtful and intimate. Witnessing the positive and transformational effects of such instructional resources emphasizes the need for a paradigm shift in educational methods. This has strengthened my belief that learning should be a lively and contextual process, tailored to each student’s specific needs and surroundings. Beyond target language literature, materials from native languages, folklore, cultural heritages, traditions, and locally available resources like newspapers, magazines, journals, brochures, pamphlets, photos, and audio-video clips of local culture and settings have proven to be valuable instructional materials. The universality of cultural significance and contextualization encourages the exploration of similar approaches in various educational conditions worldwide.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the challenges that arise when conducting research in the local native context of different communities. Curriculum designers and policymakers should prioritize the incorporation of local and cultural materials in teacher education programs, as teachers are the primary change agents in society. When teachers possess knowledge and pride in local and cultural materials, they are more likely to integrate these resources into the classroom. This, in turn, encourages students to engage in learning as they see their local and cultural context reflected in their studies. Therefore, addressing the need for effective teacher education programs, establishing uniform curriculum guidelines, and constructing a supportive policy framework focused on the use of local and cultural instructional materials is essential.

Finally, a promising avenue for transformative education lies in the use of locally and culturally appropriate instructional materials in EFL teacher education programs in Nepal, as explored in my research. The benefits to educators, learners, and the broader educational landscape underscore how this approach can enhance language learning outcomes and foster cultural pride. I hope that my study contributes to the growing body of knowledge that envisions education as a dynamic, socially conscious enterprise. It serves as a call to action for researchers, educators, and policymakers to collaborate in the ongoing discourse on the direction of language education. The diverse blend of innovation and tradition in the Nepalese context offers inspiration for educators worldwide seeking to create inclusive and culturally relevant learning environments.

About the Author: Sagar Paudel earned an MPhil in English Language Education (ELE), from Kathmandu University, Nepal. Mr. Poudel is an associate professor at Adhikabi Bhanubhakta Campus (TU), Damauli, Nepal. Mr Poudel currently serves as the Head of the Department cum Assistant Campus chief at the Campus.


Welcome to Third Quarterly Issue 15 (108)

Dear valued readers and contributors,


It gives us immense pleasure to release the third quarterly issue (July- September 2023) of ELT Choutari. This issue is non-thematic and replicate different experiences of teaching and learning English in different contexts. This issue has covered a wide range of areas of classroom pedagogy, classroom management, students’ motivation, students centred pedagogy, teachers professional transformation and practitioners’ reflections.

We believe that documenting teachers’ teaching experiences, challenges, and successes fosters a deeper level of understanding of their pedagogical approaches. The (emerging) practitioners learn innovative teaching methodologies, adapt to new language trends and develop relevant materials effective and useful in their language classroom. We honour the practitioners’ voices, their personal expeditions, and challenges to foster a collaborative culture and supportive environment for igniting change within their academia.

In the first post, Shiva Mainaly highlights the significant impacts of Call for Papers (CFP) on the conference attendees. He shares how important it is for the responder to respond about CFP and how it backfires if it is not addressed appropriately. The author further highlights how CFPs tend to address any aspect of burgeoning issues, ranging from colonial reckoning, the rhetoric of precarity and the rise of authoritarianism to social justice, linguistic justice, power and precarity attendant to AI’s growing application in learning and teaching space.

Similarly, in the second blog post, Surendra Prasad Ghimire provides a personal account of teaching English in low-resourced rural communities and navigates some unique challenges. The author provides insight into the complexities of low-resourced classrooms and offers some ways of teaching English in a rural context.

Likewise, Sangeeta Basnet in her reflective narrative shares how psychological assets play crucial roles in language classrooms and how those problems cause deterioration in academic performance. She also suggests some ways to address parents and teachers to create a healthy environment for them to share their problems, hear their past stories, and encourage and inspire them to do better in their academics.

Tripti Chaudhary, in the fourth blog post, shares her nostalgia and believes to have a paradigm shift in teaching pedagogy since the grammar-translation method. She further discusses how the rote memorisation has been transformed into a practice-driven approach in our academia in the 21st century.

Finally, in the fifth blog post, Dammar Singh Saud reflects on his experience of teaching culturally diverse students in school and shares how he was influenced by his father’s dedication to education and selflessness. He further highlights how innovative teaching method and the use of ICT plays pivotal roles in teaching teaching-learning process.

Here is the list of blogs for you to navigate in this issue:

  1. Mastering the Art of Responding to CFP by Shiva Mainaly
  2. Managing a Chaotic Classroom: A Memoir of an Early Career Teacher by Surendra Prasad Ghimire
  3. My Experience as a Motivator in my Teaching Career by Sangita Basnet 
  4. English Teachers’ Experiences on Learner-Centered Teaching Pedagogy by Tripti Chaudhary 
  5. Inspiration to Transformation: My Academic Odyssey by Dammar Singh Saud

Finally, I would like to thank our editors and reviewers in this issue, Mohan Singh SaudNanibabu Ghimire, Jeevan Karki, Jnanu Raj Poudel, Sagar Poudel, Karuna Nepal, Ekraj Adhikari, Yadu Gnawali, Binod Duwadi, Puskar Chaudhary, and Dasharath Rai, for their relentless effort and contribution.

ELT Choutari is a platform for researchers, scholars, educators, and practitioners to share their perspectives, practices, and stories from classrooms and communities. If you enjoy reading the articles, please feel free to share them in and around your circle and drop your comments.

We encourage you to contribute to our next issue (October-December) and send your articles and blogs to 2elt.choutari@gmail.com.

Happy Reading!

Lead- Editor
Ganesh Kumar Bastola

Mastering the Art of Responding to CFP

Shiva Mainaly

Aristotle urges us to be a master of metaphors to grasp a living reality of a thing. Following the footsteps of Aristotle, George Lakoff and M. Johnson introduce a perspective on metaphor—a perspective that takes metaphor as imaginative rationality. Admittedly, I am inspired by these two theorists. My inspiration is that I could not help using a simile to share my modest success in getting some of my responses to Call for Conference Proposals (CFP)  accepted: Writing changes: remaking rhetoric in times of uncertainty organized by Corridors 2022 at Virginia Tech University, and  Geographies of the Fantastic and the Quotidian organized by Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) 2022 at University of Los Angeles California. For Corridors, I developed a paper entitled “Pedagogical Emasculation in the Wake of AI’s Growing Applications”, and for PAMLA, I submitted an abstract with the title “Backsliding New Materialism and a Resurgence of Interest in Virtue Ethics and Anthropomorphism”.

While responding to these two CFPs successfully, I came to know that responding to a CFP is almost similar to being a gentleman caller. Forgive my wild rush to John Dryden called ‘yoking heterogeneous ideas by violence’. More technically, responding to CFP and being a gentleman caller are distinctly disparate realms of activities. Just as forwarding a love/marriage proposal without paying sufficient courtship to a lady for a quite bit of time may backfire and probably end in rejection, so is answering to CFP without doing an extensive inquiry and without having background information on the topic. Any rush to reply to the CFP may backfire on the responder, often ending in outright rejection, which might weaken confidence and concentration. It is this point of commonality that pushed me to choose this figural trope. The fate of being a jilted lover is a bitter pill to swallow for any obsessed lover, in much the same way as it is for a responder to cope with the rejection of the abstract submission to CFP. With this figural gesture, I would like to reflect on my experience of responding to a host of CFPs.

We have seen many calls for proposals (CFP): CFP for conferences; CFP for book chapters and journal articles; CFP for intermezzo and review essays; CFP for web texts and digital projects; CFP for a success story and cross-border narrative; CFP for blogs and reflective writings, CFP for cases of advocacy, activism, and intervention; and to name just a few. Scholars, researchers, and instructors alike tend to respond to different CFPs they come across. Every responder to CFP deploys a nuanced approach. In spite of each scholar’s unique response style to CFP, there should be a few widely practised formularies to deal with CFP. Based on a few instances of my success in responding to CFP, I would like to craft a short account of responding to CFP.

In trying to emerge as a conference hopper, I kept exploring many other venues that organize national and international conferences such as the New Berry Library Conference (NBLC), Popular Culture Association (PCA), Modern Language Association (MLA) Pedagogical Training and Workshop, Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA), Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Rhetoric Society of Europe (RSE), Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) and the list goes on. Actually, these venues release CFPs that tend to address any aspect of burgeoning issues, ranging from colonial reckoning, the rhetoric of precarity and the rise of authoritarianism to social justice, the linguistic justice, power and precarity attendant to AI’s growing application in learning and teaching space. Being well informed of all these burgeoning issues and of relevant proposals to address the issue constitute a core competency on each CFP responder’s part.  Based on these two and various other successive experiences of responding to CFP, I would like to talk about some tips and strategies with which I succeeded in getting my conference proposals approved. I presented at a conference scheduled to take place at the University of Virginia Tech. Similarly, another conference proposal of mine was also accepted. In the second week of November 2022, I presented at a conference at the University of California, Los Angeles.

First, getting to the heart of an issue that takes centre stage in the CFP description is essential if we are to touch all the bases of CFP.  While describing an issue/topic for CFP, the CFP issuer tends to be specific in producing an outline of the issue; at the same time, they often write, ‘the CFP moves around this topic, but not limited to…’, to allow for a somewhat flexible space to explore and probe the proposed issue.

Previously, while formulating an excellent abstract draft for a conference call, I used to take a general approach without homing in on a specific aspect of the CFP. After multiple rounds of rejection, I learned that people want to listen to specific things. Though the conference offers a smorgasbord of various potential topics, it would be in our best interest to dwell on the specificity of the issue. As soon as I shirked off this tendency to drift away from the axis of specificity, I realized that it wouldn’t be challenging to hit the target with the single most focused thrust to the specificity. To this end, it appears that any temptation toward delving deep into the topic in a manner most lithe and supple because exploring any issue by being specific is crucial to the acceptance success of a response to CFP. As to some heuristics and nuances with which the exploration of an issue would lead to a reliable unfolding of the issue, I have come to propose here: Test the efficacy of the issue in different cultural contexts, check on its limit, be aware of its fallibility, assess if its relevance is rooted in time and occasion, reflect on its impact on our normative practice and pragmatic life, and finally stretch your imaginative faculty to probe the issue under consideration with a detached mindset. The simultaneous shifts in my mindset led me to come across an acceptable topic for the CFP I was managing to respond to.

Second, though the power of forming a fresh, attention-grabbing, and shift-stimulating perspective of any responder to CFP is highly valued, the ability to introduce this perspective tactfully and without a lag matters the most. To translate this realization into action, I reflected on my expectations about how CFP evaluators take my abstract submission and what metric they would apply to assess the submitted abstract. I also pondered if their metrics and criteria remain consistent or if they apply abstract-specific metrics. I did my best to align the core thrust of my conference abstract with the CFP evaluators’ submission-specific yardstick of judgment. At the top of my talent, I aimed at ‘striking the right chord’; with the right chord being struck precisely, the net outcome is an acceptance call.

Third, the responder to CFP should not come to terms with the issue on the first go. Instead, the responder should let the proposed issue come to terms with a cumulative effort to develop a fresh perspective. For this, curious and consistent immersion in the latent and the manifest dimensions of the issue is required of those who play what Peter Elbow calls the Believing and Doubting Game. The fourth point is the assertion that with the idea of responding to CFP comes the responsibility to CFP. CFP wishes to garner a wide range of ideas, thoughts, propositions, perspectives, comments, questions, critiques, and curiosities. Most CFPs expect a concrete contribution of ideas to the platform the CFP is creating. Thus, every responder to CFP needs to internalize that to respond to CFP is to contribute something new, a fresh perspective, a nuanced approach to dealing with the proposed issue anew, a distinct approach indeed!

The fifth point that guided my approach to responding to CFPs is being aware that often CFPs asks for a fresh take on burgeoning issue/problem. Any response to CFP should look like a solution. Adopting a down-to-earth overture is a curtain-raiser to grappling with CFP head-on. The sixth tip comes in the guise of tonality. Maintaining an insistent tone serves two-pronged purposes: one is to bracket off any interference from digressive and deluding thoughts, and the other is to help the proposed perspective gain purchase. The use of an insistent tone wards off any trace of opaqueness that might arise while homing in on the target expectation of CFP. A response to CFP needs to be formed in keeping with the persistent presumption that whether others accept a proposal or not hinges on the same tone underpinning the proposal’s substratum.

The seventh clue to conveying a response to CFP is tricky. Throughout career-building in the academic field, students, scholars, and instructors respond to different types of CFP. Their responses often vary from acceptance and partial acceptance to outright rejection. In the case of outright rejection, it might be tough to bear the brunt of rejection, which might sap the spirit and entelechy one has been cultivating since the beginning of one’s academic footprint. In this condition of being in a low spirit due to sporadic rejection, one must groom oneself with a philosophical maxim, dictum, or conviction. In the wake of angst and anxiety consequent upon the rejection of any response to CFP, it would be tactful if one with the experience of rejection switches instantly from the erstwhile mental frame of lapsing into frustration and lamentation to a new mindset informed by the conviction that having been rejected means being hurled on the rose bed of renewal.

The last trick that may prove pivotal is catching a glimpse of and acting following the zeitgeist of contemporaneity that by and now diffuses across the world of CFPs. The spirit and entelechy of inclusion have penetrated every stroke of knowledge-making. Any linguistic shred and fragment are redolent of an alienating, exclusionary, and unjust practice, triggering a domino effect that ultimately spoils the inherent acceptability of the proposed perspective, no matter how full the proposal would be. All these strategic clues ultimately come down to a praxis that justice-fostering, dignity-ennobling, and identity-acknowledging rather than a collocational, standardized, and stereotypes-filled language pave the way for enriching the acceptability of proposed response to CFP.

Graduate students preparing to enter the job market are always hard-pressed to devote their whole time to completing their dissertation research. Nevertheless, they must invest more time in responding to CFPs for conferences, book reviews, review essays, success narratives, cross-border narratives, writing about their observation, and reflective writing. Since responding to the CFPs for a book chapter, journal articles, and intermezzo requires both intensive and extensive efforts, involvement, and time, it is relevant to conclude that trying to catch low-hanging fruit is an appropriate option for them. However, in no way should it not be understood as an underestimation of the potency and potentiality of graduate students inching closer to a threshold of the job market because there is quite an incredible number of graduate students who have already adorned their CVs with gems of their productive scholarship. However, speaking from a practical perspective and arguing in consideration of the pressure of time, including plenty of both teaching and administrative responsibility on the part of graduate students, there is every reason to advise that trying to catch low-hanging fruit still sounds like a lucrative and economical alternative for graduate students. In connection with this, responding to the CFPs for a conference, book review, review essay, essay on graduate student’s observation, and reflective writing such as cross-border narrative would be inviting and enticing for Ph.D. candidates on the verge of graduation who have built up a professional mindset of plunging into the job market soon.

At last, I would like to opine my thoughts on a type of stereotype that recurs in most of the announcements of CFP. On seeing sentences—such as ‘for book reviews and review essays, graduate students are encouraged and welcomed to contribute’—I felt irreparably stung by a scorpion of inferiority and of being pigeonholed. A query flashed across my mind instantly. There anyone, including me, could not but ask a question—why cannot graduate students, especially PhD candidates, respond to higher CFPs? The answer is obvious. In a general sense, responding to the higher CFPs demands time, resources and involvement. Graduate students are busy people who have a lot of work to do. I too was not an exception to this condition. Therefore, I was occasionally pained to see this sentence, but now I have mastered such a normal thought. With this unpleasant stream of thought, I would like to cut a long story short by saying that trying to catch low-hanging fruit—CFPs for conferences, book reviews, review essays, and reflective and observational writings—is a wise approach to redressing the harsh rhetoric of publish or perish. For clarity’s sake, I have presented below some pointers that could be helpful for any responder responding to a CFP:

  • Read and understand the CFP: It is in our best interest to go through the CFP document to understand the theme, topic, and requirements. Supportive here is the idea of paying attention to guidelines, word limits, formatting instructions, and submission deadlines.
  • Choose the right topic: Selecting a topic that aligns well with the theme of the conference or event is of enormous importance. Responders ought to make sure their research is relevant and innovative. Being mindful of the contributions the responder’s abstract makes is worth pondering.
  • Prepare an abstract: Of all the pointers pivotal to making a success of responding to CFP, crafting a compelling abstract that summarizes our paper or presentation is instrumental. So, the responder needs to clearly state the problem they are addressing, their methodological choice, and critical ideas and insights. It is good to ensure that the abstract is concise and engaging. The most crucial thing is the need to capture the attention of the reviewers.
  • Follow the submission guidelines: Successful responders to CFP ought to adhere to the submission guidelines provided by the organizers. They should pay close attention to formatting requirements, citation styles, and any specific file formats they may request.
  • Highlight your contribution: Each scholarly and institutional venue tends to judge an individual contributor to CFP in terms of their contribution. To that end, it is essential for them to clearly articulate the unique contribution of their work. The key to mastering this hurdle is to explain how it fills a gap in the existing literature, provides novel insights, or offers a fresh perspective. The responder need not dither about emphasizing their research’s significance and potential impact.
  • Present your qualifications: In an age in which an assertion is evaluated vis-à-vis self, highlighting our expertise, qualifications, and relevant experience in the field we are part of is of paramount importance. To buttress our credibility as responders to CFPs, providing a brief overview of our academic or professional background is imperative to establish credibility.
  • Proofread and edit: Before turning in our response to CFPs, it would be a cautionary measure to carefully proofread and edit our paper or abstract. If we ensure that our abstract is well-structured, free of grammatical errors, and coherent, it will be accepted. This is the principle we all need to live by. For that purpose, we can opt for feedback on our abstract from colleagues or mentors to improve the quality of our writing.
  • Meet the deadline: Submitting our response without crossing the specified deadline is advantageous because late submissions are typically not accepted. Hence, being proactive and active while planning our time and allowing for ample review and revision is of utmost importance.
  • Tailor your response: What matters most is the customization of our response to the specific requirements of the CFP. Reviewers are interested in hearing specific things; no one likes hearing general things. Thus, it is good to keep any idea of submitting generic or recycled content at bay. Tuning our response with the particular and genuine requirement is pivotal to actualizing the chance of acceptance.
  • Be professional and courteous: Since being soft and gracious matters a lot, it would be beneficial if they interact with the organizers and reviewers professionally and respectfully if they respond promptly to any inquiries or requests for additional information. The secret formulary to heighten our chance of having our abstract approved is one associated with living with a growth mindset and collaborative disposition throughout the process.

Works Cited

Garver, E. (1994). Aristotle’s rhetoric: An art of character. University of Chicago Press.

Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (2008). Metaphors we live by. University of Chicago Press.

About the Author: Shiva Mainaly is a PhD in rhetoric and composition from the University of Louisville. Currently, at North Dakota State University (NDSU), he will become a postdoctoral research fellow from August 2023. A prolific author, he has published numerous articles in prestigious journals like the Journal of International Students, Constellation, and Composition Studies.

Managing a Chaotic Classroom: A Memoir of an Early Career Teacher

Surendra Prasad Ghimire


I faced challenges in managing an effective, interactive classroom and creating learning atmosphere in my early teaching career as an assistant lecturer of English at Hetauda School of Management and Social Sciences, Nepal. Due to my overconfidence, I used to think that knowing contents of teaching was enough for effective teaching. Therefore, I prepared for the classes by focusing very well on the content of the prescribed English textbooks and allied materials. I mostly used to adopt lecture methods for teaching; therefore, students would receive very little time to interact in the class. On the other hand, students’ seating arrangement, two rows of fixed desks and benches, was designed in a way to facilitate teacher-centered and lecture-based instruction. There was a projector for displaying slides, videos, and other related digital materials in the classroom. There would be an average of fifty undergraduate students in the classroom with proper uniforms. However, the environment of the classroom until the middle of the academic session became chaotic and messy. Therefore, I had to spend a long time systematizing the classroom before beginning the lecture, and time and again I had to stop because of an unpleasant classroom environment. Despite the various attempts to manage the classroom, it remained messy and chaotic. In this narrative , I reflect on how I effectively managed such a noisy and chaotic classroom in the middle of the academic year.


In contrast to behaviour management, classroom management is a broader concept that focuses on the management of all the students in the classroom (Stevenson et al., 2020). Classroom management incorporates all the actions of the teachers in constructing the classroom environment to promote students’ academic growth and social behaviour (Velásquez et al., 2023). In addition, effective classroom management encourages the students to obtain maximum benefits from classroom activities and controls the unwanted behaviour of the students in the classroom (Bozkuş, 2021). Therefore, a well-managed classroom has wider implications as it aims to organize an orderly teaching and learning environment to enhance the learning outcomes of classroom activities and promote students’ social relations (Brophy, 1983; Marzano & Marzano, 2003; Shank et al., 2022; Wubbels, 2011). Moreover, some studies reported that managing the classroom at the beginning of the academic session made it easier for teachers to handle the class successfully during an academic session (Emmer et al., 1980; Lopez-Pelcastre, 2023). However, from the beginning of the academic session, I encountered various obstacles in managing a well-organized classroom environment. I found that the students were almost not concentrating in my class. They began making noises in the classroom including personal talks with their friends, which didn’t contribute to the learning vibes in the classroom. Some of the students developed unique ways to disturb the class, such as tapping their shoes on the floor, making a sudden unusual sound etc. Others would zone out, which indicated that they did not have motivation to attend my class.

This situation had been going on for a few months, which made me almost frustrated with the teaching profession. I also did not have personal satisfaction, and even I could not sleep very well at night. Sometimes, these noisy students would bother me even in my dreams. To get rid of this, I read several books about managing the classroom and realized that teaching profession requires numerous qualities to be successful, and having only knowledge about the content of teaching would not be adequate. Then I began pondering how to effectively manage the classroom. And I argue that noisy and chaotic classrooms can be effectively managed by understanding the students properly, reviewing our teaching methods and classroom activities, and receiving feedback from the students even in the middle of the academic session.

Why behind what

Gradually, I began exploring the reasons behind such chaotic and disturbing classrooms through formal and informal communication with the students. Some reported that they were feeling bored because of long lectures, and due to lack of classroom activities, etc. Based on what they shared and my experiences, the following were some of the possible reasons for my classroom mismanagement:

  • The lecture method to deliver the textbook contents made the class monotonous and didn’t give them space to share their ideas in the classroom. They received limited opportunities for questioning and arguments in the classroom.
  • Lack of activities to engage students was another reason as they did not receive an opportunity to construct knowledge by interacting among them. They were limited with my lectures, handouts, and prescribed textbooks.
  • The inability to understand and address students’ interests and passion and merely emphasizing the textbooks.
  • Lack of adopting student-centred teaching methods and adopting teacher-centred approaches. Students had fewer opportunities to interact with each other and had to participate in the classwork on the basis of what I instructed them. They received less opportunities for creative and constructive activities in the classroom; instead, they became passive listeners.

Ways Forward

By exploring the actual reasons behind classroom mismanagement, I transformed the ways of teaching, focusing on student-centred teaching approaches. The following were the ways forward to overcome the problems of mismanagement in my classroom:

Establishing Friendly Relationships with Students

I established friendly relationships with the students by properly understanding them and respecting their ideas. I spent adequate time listening to their responses about their various issues within the classroom and outside the classroom, such as in the interval time, in the canteen, library, etc. Gradually, I realized that establishing better relationships with students supported my ability to receive feedback from the students and ultimately assisted in transforming the classroom into a more interactive learning space. In addition, such relationships helped the students develop a positive attitude toward each other and provided enough room for understanding. As a result, I found greater participation of students in classroom activities and a change in their attitude toward being more positive, supportive, and collaborative inside and outside the classroom. Consequently, the previous noisy and chaotic classroom disappeared instead; a more interactive, collaborative, and learning classroom appeared with the positive vibration of exploring insightful information both in me and the students. In addition, I found that such friendly relationships with the students established a solid foundation of academic excellence and transformed the students into more responsible individuals for their work. However, I found that very few of the students attempted to misuse such friendly relations by involving themselves in the debate out of context in the classroom and making various excuses about their classroom activities and home assignments.

Teaching with Fun

I transformed my ways of teaching by focusing on various approaches such as discussion, interaction, collaboration, presentation, argumentation, and so forth. I minimized my long, monotonous lecture method and focused on mini-lectures if they were required. As a result, students began participating in learning activities as I promoted group discussion, sharing, interaction, and collaboration in the classroom. I formed some groups in the classroom to have discussions on various issues related to solving the problems. From the few days’ practice, the majority of the students learned to be engaged in classroom activities and developed their power of patience by waiting their turn and respecting each other’s ideas. In addition, I blended some sort of humour into the classroom by cracking jokes and sharing some real and imaginative stories if I realized students were feeling bored. Moreover, I began to display English videos associated with ongoing classroom discussions that assisted me in creating an interesting learning environment in the classroom by boosting their English language power and providing fun for them. Teaching with fun with the support of various videos and sharing jokes and stories in the classroom helped me energize the students for learning by involving them in various classroom activities instead of making unnecessary noises. These findings, to some extent, aligned with the study of MacSuga-Gage et al. (2012), who claimed that effective teaching helped manage the classroom.

Individual Care for the Students in the Classroom

I found various kinds of students in the classroom with unique manners and ways of learning. I began to think about them, particularly focusing on how to motivate them in classroom activities. I started individually supporting the students, mainly selecting those who rarely participated in classroom activities. Instead of staying in the same place in the classroom, I visited individual students, particularly during classroom activities, which helped me understand the real problems of the students. During such visits, students asked even simple problems that they could not ask in the mass (perhaps they feared that their friends would laugh at them). Such practices assisted me in developing personal relationships with the students, which ultimately contributed to managing the classroom. As I began supporting them, they also became supportive in the classroom. They started listening to my instructions and following the procedures of the activities without disturbing the entire learning environment in the classroom. In addition, I prepared their individual portfolios, which helped me understand the students better and helped them in the classroom. Ultimately, such individual care in the classroom assisted the students to be more proactive and interactive in classroom activities, which gradually supported me in transforming the previously chaotic and noisy classroom into a more innovative and interactive space.


Establishing friendly relationships with students and teaching with fun and individual care for the students in the classroom, as discussed above helped me in creating an effective learning environment in my classroom. Pondering over the mismanagement of the classroom, receiving feedback from the students, and transforming the classroom teaching and learning process accordingly contributed to solving the problems of mismanagement in the classroom. As a result, my noisy, chaotic classroom gradually turned into innovative, interactive, collaborative classroom.


Bozkuş, K. (2021). A systematic review of studies on classroom management from 1980 to 2019. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 13(4). https://doi.org/10.26822/iejee.2021.202

Brophy, J. E. (1983). Classroom organization and management. The elementary school journal, 83(4), 265-285.

Emmer, E. T., Evertson, C. M., & Anderson, L. M. (1980). Effective classroom management at the beginning of the school year. The Elementary School Journal, 80(5), 219-231.

Lopez-Pelcastre, A. (2023). The influence of classroom management on student learning and behavior in the classroom.

MacSuga-Gage, A. S., Simonsen, B., & Briere, D. E. (2012). Effective teaching practices: Effective teaching practices that promote a positive classroom environment. Beyond Behavior, 22(1), 14-22. https://doi.org/org/10.1177/107429561202200104

Marzano, R. J., & Marzano, J. S. (2003). The key to classroom management. Educational Leadership, 61(1), 6-13.

Shank, M. K., Santiague, L., & ideas. (2022). Classroom management needs of novice teachers. The Clearing House, 95(1), 26-34. https://doi.org/org/10.1080/00098655.2021.2010636

Stevenson, N. A., VanLone, J., & Barber, B. R. (2020). A commentary on the misalignment of teacher education and the need for classroom behaviour management skills. Education Treatment of Children, 43(4), 393-404. https://doi.org/org/10.1007/s43494-020-00031-1

Velásquez, A. M., Mendoza, D. F., & Nanwani, S. K. (2023). Becoming a competent classroom manager: A case study of a preservice teacher education course. Teaching Education, 34(2), 147-169. https://doi.org/org/10.1080/10476210.2022.2048646

Wubbels, T. (2011). An international perspective on classroom management: What should prospective teachers learn? Teaching Education, 22(2), 113-131. https://doi.org/org/10.1080/10476210.2011.567838

About the Author: Surendra Prasad Ghimire is an MPhil Scholar at Nepal Open University, Nepal, and a Lecturer of English at a QAA-certified college, Hetauda School of Management and Social Sciences, Makwanpur, Nepal.