All new blog posts should be submitted to as an attachment in MS Word with a subject line: New write-up/article. In the email, please provide 1-2 sentence information about yourself, including your name and institutional affiliation, plus your portrait picture (unless you prefer not to have your image in the post).
Please review the tips on the page titled HOW TO WRITE and WHAT TO WRITE.
Your submission will be received as an email by the editors. We will contact you via the email provided for any editing/revision on your submission.
A brief set of guidelines for your submission
A. General guidelines: In order to maintain uniformity in the submission of the blogs/articles, we request authors to consider the following basics:
- Language: English preferably British English (but not limited)
- Font Name: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 Margins: 1 inch on all sides
- Column: Single, Page Size: A4, Orientation: Portrait
- Line Spacing: Double, Column Spacing: 0 before and 0 after
- Reference Style: American Physiological Style (APA 7th edition)
- Submission File: Ms-Word files, Lines: No lines between paragraph
- Title: Maximum 12 words, Page Number: Right from the top
- Short Bio: Not more than 60 words with a head-shot.
- word limit: 1000 to 2500 words for reflections or other blog pieces and 3000 to 5000 for research, scholarly articles, or theoretical discussion.
B. Reflections/blog pieces/scholarly articles: while we’re open to variety in ideas and styles, we generally publish reflective entries/blog posts that use an easy-to-read language. Sections with titles will help, but there’s no need for “abstract” or other sections that give the impression of a print journal rather than a blog. Those wishing to go for the theoretical discussion, research, or other scholarly articles, can find the following basic framework useful:
Abstract: 100-150 words
- Introduction
- -Raise your issue– problematise your problem– show –research gap –rationalize your issue– add relevance– also clarify your purpose– Add research question or hypothesis= bring these all along with literature and share your methods and finding just very briefly
- Research methods/tools/instruments
- Data interpretation: substantiate your data with literature- access it with the themes generated, analyze and interpret as per the information explored…
- Discuss the implication of data in line with the existing literature in the field,
- Conclusion: Present ideas concisely in about 300-500 words
- Reference: Mention all the cited citation into this reference section
- Appendix: Show your evidence of the data you collected at the end of the research along with some samples
C. Other tips for authors
- Original writing that is not already published in another venue and cites external sources. Besides being original, good blog entries are also characterized by an authentic and unique voice–which is a bonus to basic originality. Please DO NOT submit any material that you have already published elsewhere. Please hyperlink sources when possible and skip the review of literature in favor of your own ideas (unless reviewing the scholarship is your key objective). Limit citations other than those that readers can quickly access and read online to a maximum of five.
- Relevant and current in content. It’s not enough for the content to be “important” in itself. Your entry must be relevant to the audience of this forum, who are teachers/scholars of ELT, literacy education, and teaching/learning. And it must be current: something like “What is Grammar-Translation method?” wouldn’t be worth many readers’ time.
- Interesting to read. Use a style and voice of your own. Please avoid using wild gimmicks, keep your writing simple and direct, and give a personal touch whenever possible. Try using humor, experience, examples, questions, suggestions, images/videos (link or embed), etc. Include practically useful or thought-provoking ideas rather than abstract theoretical concepts and discussions.
- On a specific issue. We do not publish entries that are vague, general, or abstract. We don’t think our readers want to spend time on something like “the benefits of the Internet in ELT” because that is just too general. Consider sharing your experience instead: teaching techniques you use, problems you solved, etc.
- Professional in content and value. We reject entries that may offend any individual or society. Submissions must also be professional in the sense of being properly edited, organized, and presented. Generally, we want blog entries that will help enhance (not undermine) the professionalism of the community.
Once the blog piece/article meets the format and basic formality, it will be blind reviewed, and the authors will be notified about the acceptance/repentance of their submission. The blog piece/paper needs to be resubmitted after accommodation/suggestions from the reviewers/editors. The accepted papers will be published after editing.
To learn more about how to write and what you can write about for this blog, browse the two other pages under the current menu.
Good luck!
Dear teachers,
Non-English people having the problem for speaking English is only reason of the Grammar. Not only by me, even Americans have mentioned this kind of research somewhere in the websites.
Grammatical (proper) English is Formal Language. It is standard and specific language used in academic organization, official purposes and formal programs.
But the Practical or Real English I am talking about is Informal Language. It’s simple language. In our daily conversation, we simply use informal language in family, with friends, relatives and other people.
In Real English, we don’t care grammar rules which frustrate beginners to speak English. Similarly in our Nepali language we don’t use any grammar but it’s hiding there. The reason, grammar is the science of language.
We mostly use shortcut sentences and we simply prefer to call it PRACTICAL ENGLISH. According to the grammarian I. Jaykaran, published the book “Master your English Grammar” page 414, In conversation, we make several shortcut sentences. It’s not a grammatical mistake, but an accepted shortcut.
So I dare teaching such English in Kathmandu. The result is definitely fruitful here. Most of the students are wonderfully satisfied with my teaching. I actually have worked abroad in different countries with English and non-English people. Meanwhile, I got the chance to have such knowledge and experience from them.
Now, I would like to get your comments, advice or suggestions on this matter.
Thanking you.
Durga Pun
Kathmandu, Nepal
Email :
Its really a good idea sir, thank you for sharing..